Today there was rain. Lots and lots of rain. I even got to take a nap to that rain, which was oh, so sweet. And then it kept raining. It is Still raining, which is wonderful because today was Cruze Night. That's a contradiction, but that's what they call it and it starts at around 2pm with a car show. Then there's Cruze time (yes, that's how they spell it) and then there's a Burnout competition, where people from all over come and pay to see how much tread they can leave on one of our town's nicest roads. This competition goes on for hours. Until dark, because no one seems to get tired of trying. Pe
ople bring lawn chairs and sit on the side of the road to watch. There are Trophies. Yes, I said trophies. For the winners. Someone gets out there with a roller measurer and measures the tread marks. The car that leaves the longest gets the biggest trophy. It costs $5 a turn and the town makes hundreds of dollars. There are also concessions that come to take advantage of the spectators. But today it rained. :)

I don't like Burnout because these noisy engined cars and trucks have to use our street to go back to the Start line. They speed and peel out at our stop sign. It is hard to hear anything inside of the house over this racket. 

The crowning part of today, however is fireworks. They have been setting off blanks all day for some reason. I think they just wanted to wake up every napping baby in town. I'm sure there is a purpose somewhere, somehow. Maybe. They keep telling us they will start at dark, rain or not, but it is 9:15 and just a drizzle. Ian keeps asking me every 5 seconds when they will start. I am trying to be patient, but....it's hard when you don't know the answer. Thank you Lord for a PBS channel that does kids' shows around the clock. Who knew that Bob the Builder came on at 9pm??

They've started!
Well, that was nice. It lasted for 25 minutes. Ian really enjoyed it. He really knows his colors now. Erin did not wake up, for which I am grateful. Last night's debacle with the fuse box did not send her into dream land, so she is really tired tonight. Whew!
Buddy was made hysterical by the booming of the fireworks and escaped the fence. My HC just brought him back, fussing at me because I had been on the phone with his parents and didn't take his call. What can I say? It just takes some people a long time to say goodbye.
Everything is back to normal and the kids are in bed. Finally. Quiet. At last.
I'm so glad you had a special fireworks display in honor of your birthday! It must have been fun to watch them with Ian. Quality time. Yay for the quiet. I'm sure it is so much more appreciated after an ordeal like "cruze night" and "burn out". (this is where we roll our eyes). Only in Westville can this be "for real?!" and only for $5 a squeal? what a deal!
sorry folks, not my idea of entertainment. maybe the fireworks are the pay off for the rest of the town who don't appreciate the former events. let's just keep everybody quiet after the noise dies down.
What kind of rain are you?
Love ya!
I'm the kind of rain that you can nap to. :D The kind that cools everything off where you can open all the windows and smell the earth and grass and hear the birds tweeting when it's over. What kind of rain are you?? And our special fireworks time was about 5 minutes long because we got a long phone call....but it was nice while it lasted!
That's a really nice kind of rain. I shall concur.
The pictures are really cute.
Erin looks like she's saying "What is that on my feet?"
Sounds like fun times over there! :) And funny that Ian was looking forward to it all day... I think I would have wanted to be much farther away from a bunch of guys that want to compete like that! LOL
How's the fuse box thing coming along?
I love Erin's camo girlie outfit, too! :)
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