I heard a noise yesterday, then a thump. Then I heard the sound of a cabinet being closed rather forcefully. I hollered for Ian and asked if the bathroom door was shut. He holler back, kind of distracted "no" and then said with a longsuffering sigh. "It's babygirl." I sprinted to the bathroom and this is what I saw....
She had gotten under the cabinets and into the cotton balls. She tried to share and then tasted one, but didn't like it (see?). After that it was bathtime and everyone moved on.
I saw some blueberries today for an affordable price (for once!) and got some. Yay! The kids love them and could eat an entire field of them. Sorry the video is so dark again, but I will try to figure out how to lighten it! Almost every light in the house was on, so I really don't know what's going on. Maybe I should find the manual? Okay, okay. I will, Grampa, I will. Anyway, she wasn't very fond of being videotaped while eating (who is??), but boy did she suck those blueberries down!
Boy mommy you sure are weird walking around with that thing in front of your face. What's gotten into you lately anyway?
Blueberries, yummy. She sure is enjoying them isn't she?
Ian keeps showing us what a great big brother he his. Keep it up, Ian!
She just seems so "aware"...I predict that I will watch this one more than 100 times, just like the last one...
Cutie. I love the way she looks at the camera with a slightly annoyed expression but still eating the blueberries! LOL
Hmm, Tchotchke loves playing with cotton balls, too! :)
mmmmmm....cotton balls anyone? :D
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