It has come. [cue sound effects] The first day of school and we were so excited! Chris teased me about taking so many pictures on the way to school that you could use it as a flip book, but I only took, uh....20? And so what if the school is two or three blocks away?
As you can see, it went very well. Ian is so excited and boy are we praying for the teachers. Only saw a couple of kids in his class sniffling and only one huge drawn out scene with a sobbing [albeit toothless] mother (?) and a very upset sobbing-more child who
was removed from his mother by a teacher and herded inside the classroom.

As you can see, Ian was directed to his place on the rug and was at once mesmerized by the pull down screen with the program on. School announcements? He said he'd miss me, gave me a half hug and that was it. Mommy ceased to exist. He's going to have so much fun! I could tell it was weird for him to leave the house without breakfast. That will take some getting used to. He was too excited to pee before we left too (eeeek).
The walk home was strange too. What are we forgetting? Oh yeah, the noisy one. I did not cry. Chris kept saying things to make me laugh and Erin just looked confused (Chris says 'peaceful'). She will now enjoy free reign of the toys until 2:45. So thanks for all the prayers. I'm doing fine. And I'm sure Ian is too. Can't wait to hear about his day later. And I can't wait to hear what he has to say about the school food! Hahahaha.
Erin was not upset at all by the prospect of playing alone.
Walking to school on Lake Street. That building is the bus barn.
Don't we look perky at 7:55am??
Ian is enjoying his status as a walker and not a stroller-rider.
Ian decides to run ahead to get the lay of the land.
He gets a little too far ahead and is called back.
Erin is still wondering at all the commotion. See the stroller loaded down with school stuff?
Now we are going into the doors of the school.
After all that running, Ian needs a drink out of the water fountain. It has steps just for little guys like him, but he needs help pushing the button.
We found Ian's classroom. Lining the hallway are all the cubbies. We find his name andput all his stuff in.
This is after I said goodbye. He is sitting next to the monkey with his name on it. Everyone is getting a name tag. I heard the teacher say that they get a fun sticker if they can keep their name tag on until the end of the day. I wonder how long Ian's will last?? :D
We are so excited (and sad) for all of you and are awaiting the tales of the day!
We love you all and are rejoicing (and crying) with you!
Oh, and I can never get enough pictures...
Exactly! I love the pictures. All....20 or so of them! It makes us feel more like we're there sharing in the big event. [sigh]
Love all the pictures! :)
And I especially love those cute little striped socks on Erin!
Glad to hear his day went well... and your's, too.
Oh! What a fun day! It's so cool to see other mommies and their little ones on their first day of school. Thanks for sharing.
BTW: How old is Ian now, is this kindergarten?
Sebastian has not started yet, but we do pre-k activities at home. My oldest son just started 5th grade, yikes! And my daughter is in 4th. Oh, how I cherish these years.....
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