Last night, Ike hit our piece of Oklahoma. I'm really glad that I (sort of) knew where the lighter, the kerosene lamp and all the candles were. My mama emailed today to ask how it went and this is what I emailed back to her:
'The weather was awful. We lost power around midnite last night and didn't get it on until almost 2pm today. It was very hot last night! We had only 6 inches of rain and wind gusts up to 60 mph. It was pretty dramatic out there. HC and I watched a bit of it thru the sliding glass doors and the windows. It was pretty impressive. It was all gone by this morning and it's been a pretty nice day, though everyone has been tired. We are grateful though that the power was fixed in time for HC to take a shower before work. :)Ian was extremely inconvenienced by the power outage (No TV, no video games, no ice, no hot water, even the Dryer doesn't work?!). Erin didn't really care except for naptime. She woke up completely soaked with sweat and didn't like it. Everyone cheered (except for HC; he was napping) when the Electric Co showed up in their bucket truck.'

It was so NICE when the power came back on. We did have some fun outside today, on the swingset and in the yard. I'm really thankful that it wasn't so hot today or we would have been really miserable inside. As it was, there's a really yappy chihuahua down the street that serenaded me awake at daybreak this morning. I was not amused. Nor was I amused at the yahoo who burned out up and down our street a couple of times at 7:30am. Another perk of having a cop car parked in the driveway.

But there was no hail, not a lot of thunder and lightning and the dogs made it through ok. They were both running around barking at all the flying leaves and protecting their part of the backyard. Then they both curled up inside the shed and went to sleep. At least for a little bit.

But it was very close and quiet last night. It's weird when there's no more white noise or fan circulating. But windows that actually open? Priceless!!!
[note: our last house had only two windows that were not nailed shut]
Thanks for the update sweetie. Electricity sure is a wonderful amenity as well as a/c and how accustomed we are to both! Poor Ian having to suffer through such an inconvenience at the tough old age of 4. BTW that is a super trick, Ian that you did with the popsicle. :D Papaw and Gramma think these pictures should win awards for two of the most beautiful grandchildren in the universe! We are truly blessed.
In this picture of mother and daughter it leaves no question to where Erin's red hair comes from. How beautiful you both are!
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