I had already gotten Ian dressed and he had brushed his teeth. He wandered into our bedroom blearily. My HC turned around and asked him if he was okay. "I need chocolate," Ian exclaimed desperately. "Huh?" my HC asked, not certain if he had heard correctly. "I need chocolate," Ian repeated.
Holding back a smile, my HC went to the fridge and got out the chocolate syrup. "Just a little bit," he said and put a tiny dot on the tip of Ian's tongue.
Ian closed his mouth and let the taste roll over his tongue and palate. He closed his eyes, savoring it and finally swallowed. My HC looked at him expectantly. "That's better," Ian said and perked up. Then he went outside and got on his bike.

A little dab will do ya...
I wonder where he learned that? :D
That's a really cute picture of my li'l darlin' !! :)
Ahhhh.....chocolate instead of folgers..... maybe i'll try them together! :P
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