And I'll tell you why.
Ever get one of them days where darn near everything is going wrong???
Well, my poor HC is having one of those weeks. I am too, indirectly, but I just feel so BAD for him. Right now he is at his workplace working on our only vehicle, who decided to give up its will to live this morning when we were ready to go home. But let's back up. Last night was night #5 of Erin's Phlegm, a Lifetime original. So she gets coughing fits and needs to be held upright to hack it up. This requires walking on my part and interrupts my HC's sleep (Erin is very noisy about phlegm hacking). He has been sleeping on the couch. At 3am, he got bad news about work and couldn't seem to get back to sleep after that. At 7:45, I got up. Late. School starts at 7:55, ya'll! So we did a flight of the bumblebee and got everyone dressed and out. Chris had managed to fall back asleep and stumbled around drearily. He had an important meeting at work at 8 about a complaint being made on him (which was groundless, as usual). Gustav, now a tropical storm, has hit us and we are getting massive rainfall, flood warnings, etc, so we drove to school today. I got reamed by the crossing guard/school security about the Jeep sticking out in the road (he was trying to drive over to get me and I guess he was blocking traffic? uh....). I told Chris and he stopped and had it out with the security guard (in a small town, everyone knows everyone and I think the guy was having a bad day too), then drove us to the 'office' for this meeting. We were late. We waited and waited for the chief to get done talking to this complaining person with the law-breaking 17 year old. Turns out my HC wasn't even needed; the chief handled it and sent the complainer on his way. My HC had 2 fillings fall out and has had trouble eating. One filling on each side, top plate. And then we got in our car and it wouldn't start. Everybody groan.
Great, it's the corroded battery cables. We had this problem last time we went to Fayetteville, when we went to Golden Corral. But just a tweak and a ping on the cables and we made it out of the parking lot and back home. Today was not the case. After new battery cables, it still wasn't starting. To make a 5 hour fix-it job short, we had to get a new starter. An expensive starter! I am thankful that it wasn't anything major, but it was a whole lot more expensive than we are comfortable with!
It's just rough to have all this added to near-sleepless nights with sick kids and problems at work for my HC. Everything just builds up and feels like one big throbbing...something. So I stopped and had a talk with God and felt better and now I'm waiting to see how we're going to get through this. And I'm trying to convince my HC not to cancel his dentist appointment.
Sorry to hear about all that crap.
And when did ya'll get a new chief? I didn't realize the position had been filled.
I think ya'll should just pack up & move down here... there's a house literally RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER within short walking distance to our house that's kind of a fixer-upper on 2.5 acres (huge house with an add-on you could rent out) for $118k. Probably they would take even less. I wish ya'll could move there...
Sure hope Erin starts feeling better soon & Ya'll can get more rest. :(
What a P U eeee day! I'm so sorry. The trials of life can be so hectic at times. Chris needs to keep his dentist appt. If he doesn't get his teeth fixed he can't eat....eat if doesn't eat he'll lose his strength...if he loses his strength he won't be able to catch the bad guys...if he doesn't catch the bad guys....well...you get the picture... :D
Sleepless nights definitely cause you to appreciate the good nights rest. Praise God His mercy is new every morning! Love ya! MMMWWWAAA!
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