This week has been another round of sickness. Monday, Erin had her follow-up appointment from her previous round of cold/cough/yuck. She seemed better, she really did. Everything checked out just fine. While at the doc's office, I found out that they've changed to a 4 day work week. They are closed on Wednesdays and open earlier and later on the remaining days. Tuesday, Erin had a runny nose and a little cough. Ian still has his cough, but only in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning. Tuesday night was horrible.
I noticed Erin breathing harder and harder and crying about every 30 minutes. In the middle of the longest night in the world, I counted her breaths at 55 a minute. I tried everything in my arsenal, since cough medicines, etc have been pooh poohed by the FDA and are no longer even available. It was a long and sleepless night.
The next morning was Wednesday. Uh oh. Our doctor's office was closed. I called the other pediatrician that usually gets our business whenever the office is closed. I explained, begged, pleaded and must've sounded as insane as I felt (all wild-eyed and wild-haired) because she put us in.
We left early. Poor Erin was breathing so hard she couldn't sleep and couldn't cough up whatever was blocking her throat.
After the normal paperwork, we got in and Erin was introduced to the wonderful Nebulizer. The doc thinks she had an asthma attack, though it may not turn out to be chronic.
So we have steroids and a z-pack and the nebulizer every 4 hours until the weekend where we will go to every 6 hours and then off if she is doing better.
So far, 4 hours have not gone by fast enough. But she is sleeping better and feeling a little better. She is still not eating much, but that will improve as soon as I start listening to reason and fixing chocolate and french fries for supper every night, like Ian has been suggesting for years.
Ian is relieved that the crying has stopped and has resigned himself to sharing his toys for peace and quiet.
Things are starting to look normal to me now and not as if I'm looking at them from inside a floating bubble.
Sigh. I'm just sick of being sick!
How awful for you all. So glad things are getting a bit better. Poor Erin. Sounds like big brother is working on the "brother of the year" award! He gets my vote. :D
Ah...sounds like tough times. Will keep praying for health.
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