Well, hallelujah and pass the sunscreen. Uh, make that the sunless tanner. Because we wore shorts today (outside!) for the first time since, sheesh, last September, and our legs are scary! Even Ian's legs were all white and unreal looking. We were outside at the swingset and I was swinging both kids at the same time and mentioned that Mommy's legs were white and pasty. Ian thought I had some sort of cookie dough or something on my legs (who knows what he thought?) because he got off the swing and examined my leg and assured me that I didn't. Thanks. We'll compare in a couple of months when it becomes obvious to the world that Ian gets his tanning characteristic from Chris and not from me. We'll see how Erin does, but she DOES have reddish hair. She also still has her blue eyes (Ha! to the doubters that said her eyes would change!), so she could be the 4th redhead in the world to tan.
Either way, she has little shades and little sun hats to wear. She has started to yank the shades off to chew on the stems, but she still leaves the hats on.
Well, sports fans, we got plane tickets last week and will be heading out in a coupla weeks to see how it goes down South. Ian has been asking to go on the plane every 15 minutes since we purchased the tickets. Luckily, he is distracted by a friend's birthday party, which is tomorrow afternoon, so after the party is over, he'll be asking about the airplane every 7 minutes.
Erin is not interested in either. She just wants to be held constantly and won't go to sleep without nursing/being held. This is not the last time I have wished that someone else in our family was lactating! Wouldn't it be fair if Daddies could do it? I mean, hey, Mommies have to deal with the whole childbirth/recovery thing, which will not be taken lightly, but then our bodies are forever changed. Stretch marks are forever, man! And then things start to sag. Don't worry, I won't get graphic, but give me fur and a tail and I could masquerade as a kangaroo! Wait, maybe that's not a good comparison because they eat kangaroos in Australia. Never mind.

Well, we revamped the garden and put down a whole lotta weed-mat. So this year, since I'm not extremely pregnant, I will be spared the chore of weeding the garden. About a year too late, but it still works. Still, though, the garden is a lot smaller than last year and I am still convinced that we will sell the house before we harvest any of it, but I still can't do without it. I can, however, do without certain dogs (you know who you are) traipsing through and squishing plants. At least have the courtesy to cover your large paw prints. Blame it on marauding bunnies.
Ian has gone through some kind of miraculous transition in the Land of Potty-training. It has been two days in big boy undies and no accidents! No skid marks or dribbles or anything! I could SO get used to this! All Chris and I can do is clasp our hands together and fervently pray, "Please, Lord, please please please!"

And just in case anyone wonders what that is around Erin's mouth, don't worry. It's not Oreos. It's dirt.
You legs white like milk! :D Remember that?
Florida here you come! All right!
Way to go Ian! We know you can do it!
Erin looks like she's saying. "Yes, I ate dirt, and it wasn't as bad as you said it would be!, so there!"
A word of encouragement to you from one pasty white leg to another.You are not alone. Coppertone tanned legs, arms, etc... are simply overrated! Why would anyone want to sit outside and bake in the sun.like a piece of meat on a grill.Oops time to flip over and brown the otherside. I mean, come on, don't get me wrong, alittle sunkissed is nice, but when you start looking like a piece of leather, EWWWWW!! Anyway, I really enjoy reading your blog and I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.
I just cannot stop looking at that picture of Erin...what a cutiepie!
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