It is so interesting to me to see Erin's progression, day by day as she struggles to end the misery of close encounters with the carpet fibers. Of course if you drool a lot, anything on the carpet tends to stick to it. Yuck. Now we just have to deal with it stuck to her hands. But today she got her first round of chafed knees. She is not crawling yet, but sort of creeping. She can scoot when she is sitting up, but today she has started to get on her hands and one knee and sort of rock. The same leg gets caught up under her, but she is figuring it out by trial and error. The look of determination on her face is so blatant, you can almost hear Chariots of Fire in the background. It really is cute and kind of inspiring. I would be more inspired if I knew that she wouldn't be in every cabinet in the house (and more) the moment she figures it out.
Ian was on the potty seat t
oday and she scooted over there and used his leg to pull herself up. She almost made it to standing, but there were a couple of toes that just like to be used as tippy toes and nothing else, so bloop! There she went and Ian's attention was focused on trying to get her to move, since it's His potty seat. The logic of the 3 year old male mind is truly a complex thing.

On to more aromatic news. I made cinnamon rolls from scratch yesterday and even concocted my own cream cheese frosting. Well, they're gone. All of them. I got a little impatient when the dough was rising (hey, we were hungry!) though, so they weren't quite as huge as they probably should have been, but they were still amazing. I feel so accomplished. I love yeast! It does spectacular things to flour.
Our grill is also a thing of mystery. It does not grill meat so well as it does arms and eyebrows, so I do not even attempt to light it on my own. So Chris does and since he works the evening shift, we only use the grill on his weekends. Which start tomorow. Yay! So we had pizza tonight for dinner. I added garlic powder to the crust mix this time and it was better, I think. The corn meal also gives it a less bready consistency. I like it.
Bug bombs are going off again either tomorrow or Tuesday. Yes, still dealing with the odd flea or two and since it is now spring, all the newly awakened bugs are coming through every nook and cranny for new housing options. No thanks! So I guess we'll have to go to Cracker Barrel or the mall or something to kill some time. Shucks!
We sent off Chris's registration on Thursday along with his registration fee. We sent it certified mail and Chris (ok, me too) has been checking quite a lot to see if it's made it out of the state yet. (It hasn't.) As soon as we get his confirmation, we have plane tickets, baby! Chris is excited. He has never been on a plane before. Neither has Erin and Ian doesn't remember the plane trip to Gramma and Papaw's wedding. I remember that Ian was sick and crying most of the time and had one of the Flood pee pee diapers that made a huge wet mess everywhere and stunk up the plane. But everything is better when Chris is there, so I'm pretty optimistic about it all. Of course there is the tiny matter of clearing his firearm with the airline, but we are going to manage it. It ought to be interesting to say the least.
We had another frost a day o
r so ago that fried the tiny leaves on my tomato plants, but everything else seems to be holding up very nicely. Ian has sprouts in his tiny KidKit pot. He planted (well, he played in the dirt and Mommy planted) sunflower seeds that came in the kit. He wants to touch the sprout and probably dig it up, but we keep it out of reach over the kitchen sink and try to remember to water it. Still no sign of carrots anywhere, but there are two of my peat pots (got that Mom? PeeeeeaT pots) that have sprouts as well. Looks like one cucumber and one squash. Chris informed me that he likes the yellow squash but does not like zucchini. I don't really understand this, but we did not plant any zucchini this year. Probably moot either way since the house will be sold before harvest, but they might not like zucchini either. I also planted some lavender in hopes of drying some, but there's no sign of it either. The dogs have pretty much taken care of the new flower bed out front. No canine can resist the freshly churned earth without wanting to roll/dig/lie in it. I have replanted a few flowers several times only to see them sprawled forlornly in a different part of the yard 10 minutes later. The dogs do NOT have a fondness for pansies. I read somewhere that if you crush mothballs on the perimeter of your beds, it will keep dogs out, but it will also keep this gardener out. And prospective buyers. And we'll never be able to open the windows again either without gagging. So I guess we wasted our $6 on pansies, huh?

I so wish I could be there to play with my little munchkins. ... (sigh) ... Oh well, it won't be long now. Be sure and have your tupperware cabinet handy for Erin when she gets on the move. :D
The cinnamon rolls and pizza dough sound awesome. Come cook for me! mmmmmm. :P ...(drooling) ...
I really don't know about the moth ball theory but I must concur with you on that idea. ...(nose wrinkling) ...
Can't wait to see the picture of the swaddling pottler. Hah!
Time is never wasted on pansies...I just wanted to say it, not that I believe it...does that make me a pansie?
Hi Mandy! just wanted to to let you know how wonderful it's been reading your post. i really appreciate your honesty. Kristen started reading some of them today too. Ian and Erin have grown SO much. What it's the water over there?LOL Anyway, I started a blog and Kristen started hers today, here's the url's or whatever the call them things. blessings, Cindy
canaryjoy-gramzie.blogspot.com and kristen's is haleighs-mommy.blogspot.com.
Hi! Oh my goodness I can't believe how big they are! I haven't seen a picture of Erin yet and I haven't seen Ian since he was a baby. Ian is so cute and Erin is beautiful! I love your blogs! It's nice to know that it's not always going to be all work and no play (which is what it seems like with Haleigh at the moment). It sounds like it gets much more fun and a lot more interesting once she starts potty training! =)
My daughter has directed me to your blog and it is great. You have such a way with words. I think reading these has been an encouragement to her so... thank you. Have you seen the pictures of Haleigh yet? She is so cute! And I'm not saying that just because I'm her PopPop! Anyway, we love and miss you guys and hope to see you all in the near future.
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