I've always heard that things get worse before they get better. The only thing they fail to mention is how bad 'worse' gets. How much poop will I have to actually Touch before the whole nice tidy wipe and flush happens regularly? I'm even skipping the dump and wipe out part of the potty chair too. Anyway, there has been flooding here, close to the river. My peat pots are extremely hydrated and any minute now I will be tempted to get the air soft gun and pepper the truck that has currently been revving its superloud mufflerless engine for the past twenty minutes. Yes, your truck is on. Any more questions?? The hazards of living in a small hick township. And I have actually met girls who think noisy engines are sexy. These organisms should be kept in isolation and studied.
Back to our normal venue of entertainment. What was it? Oh yes, scrubbing the potty seat out. Mmmmm. And might I add, if anyone from the potty seat industry happens to come across this, let's make the next strain of potty seats seamless, okay? Because nasty things get into cracks and are very very hard to get out. Comprende? Bueno.
More revving. What do you do? Oh yes, you call your cop husband and fuss. Whoops, maybe not. He's on a traffic stop being annoyed himself. Ooh, really annoyed, he's checking warrants through county, something that normally doesn't get done on a routine traffic stop unless someone is ticking him off or he finds something naughty...hm...oh well, the dispatcher on duty had a similar story and we made each other feel better. At least my engine revver is not related to Chris. Well, of course, while I was fussing to the dispatcher, the truck was turned off and the garage closed and all the lights turned off. Finally! Take that sucker to the Car Doctor tomorrow!
Okay, looks like this post is mostly about broken cars. Didn't plan on that one. Well, while Chris was in court this morning for 3 hours, only to get on the stand and find out that the case wasn't about what he thought it was and that he had nothing concrete to contribute to the charges brought
, the DA dismissed him. So he came home and was only 10 minutes late to his physical and they [graciously?] allowed him to keep his appointment. So that's done. Anyway, Chris amused himself by taking pictures of the courtroom. To understand Adair County politics, you must know that there are two courtrooms in the courthouse. The one most commonly used is downstairs, around the corner from the little secretaries behind the plexiglass with little holes cut above the counter to pay tickets, etc. There are signs posted there. For example, the judge's side job, "Marriage Ceremony $10". Shucks Ida Mae! Let's just skip the movie and go get hitched! Wait, I need 35 more cents.

The real shiny courtroom, the one used for important cases is upstairs and since most of the cases are not worthy of the room and it probably is a cost liability to heat and cool, it isn't used much. During Chris's down time, since he won't take my advice and take a Book with him, he went to the courtroom and took some pictures on the camera phone for me, so I could see what it looked lik
e. So that's what all those pictures are. Hyuck. You can tell that it must give the judge a real charge to sit in the Big Chair. If they really wanted to make enough money to be able to use the Big Courtroom year round, they would tape some of the silly cases and sell them to a cable show. People would watch. Gramma and Grampa used to watch Citrus County court on tv, so I know that people would watch here. It might actually pry them off of the police scanners for a while. That would be good.

Ian played outside today for a long time, since it was chilly and muddy and somewhat sunny. I got more laundry done, since there is a constant rotation of tiny underwear. Since Erin is getting mobile, I have to keep the floors cleaner than normal, so the broom is staying within reach. Especially since she somehow got a piece of dried caulk from the tub and tasted it before Ian pounced and stole it
(Whaaa!). He is starting to get smart though. If she has something that he wants, he is learning to bring her another toy to distract her with so he can get his car/train/book/cup/sock, etc back. Tonight before bedtime (and the engine revving concert) Ian was putting blocks on his head and chew rings on his eyes and making her laugh really hard. Then he started throwing the blocks over his shoulder, again causing loud chuckles and gurgling. Mommy was beaned by a flying red cylinder and put a stop to the whole thing. That's when the somersaulting began. More laughing and gurgles. More Mommy putting a stop to festivities. Then it was 'make-the-baby-dizzy' time by running in circles around her. This is actually a neck exercise. Then it was everybody-sit-in-their-chair-and-calm-down time. Bedtime followed soon after.

Ian normally makes himself scarce while I am changing baby diapers. He stopped wanting to see when I was throwing a poopy wipey into the trash receptacle and didn't see him standing there. He was very grossed out and now I think he hides whenever we smell something that's not him. Anyway, I was mentioning to Erin that we were going on an airplane to see Gramma and Papaw. She kicked and squealed. She is excited. Well, Ian had his selective hearing Extendable Ears (another Harry Potter reference. Similar to the whole Nosebleed Nougat entry a while back) and popped his head around the corner. When he saw that the clean diaper was on and I was snapping her shirt back in place, he deemed it safe to enter and question/interrogate/demand clarification on what I had said. He wants to take a helicopter to the airplane, by the way. Then he wants to fly in circles. I asked him if he remembered going to Mimi's house at Thanksgiving. He got excited. I told him we were going to stay at Mimi and Grampa's house again and that we would see Gramma and Papaw. He was ready to leave right then. I told him it would be a long time until we went, but that we would ride on a plane. That announcement called for a cookie. Or that's what he thought. Anyway, the cat's out of the bag and May cannot come too soon. At least for Ian. Maybe by then the Poo Poo Panic will be an absentminded inquiry and Doo Doo Depression will be a thing of the past.
We can only hope...
Dare we ask "How much worse can it possibly get?"!
Sounds like fun watching Ian interact with Erin. She loves her big brother. He loves his little sister and having her attention! It's fun performing, huh?
The courtrooms sound interesting to say the least. It must be so annoying spending so much time waiting seeming to be wasted. Atleast he gets paid for it.
We love you all and are looking forward to the call or post that says "We have sold the house and Florida here we come!".
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