...to catch my breath!
The weather has been up and down. There's been some severe storms around. Lots of flooding in the low areas and way too much rain (obviously). There were some tornadoes south of us and then the wind did something to our antenna (no PBS! The travesty!). Chris grumbling because he has to mow the yard again. I don't see the problem, since he has a brand new mower. What's the deal? Will I be grumbling after I get my dishwasher that I have to do the dishes...again? OK, bad example.
So due to the weather, the computer has been off. Erin has been teething some more. That means constant crying and her wanting to nurse around the clock (aaaaah!). And the usual progression (if you can call it that) of Ian's potty training. Which has been a struggle. Again, it seems to be the norm.
We have also been back and forth to the vet for Berry. To risk the disgust of all 3 of my readers, wait, make that 6! Hey there Dickinsons and Kristen...I don't remember your new last name...and beautiful Baby Hayleigh!. Anyway, we have been trying to cure Berry's chronic squirts. Sorry, gastrointestinal distress. He is also overly excited while working with Chris that leads to more Gastrointestinal Distress, liberally sprayed all over the back of the cop car. Thus our Race for the Cure! So we got some doggy yogurt type substance to dry him up, so to speak and some doggy Valium to calm him down some while he's working. Also some special dog food in case he's allergic to Purina. Everybody say "Cha Ching!" But that's okay, we're charging it to the town. We get to go back tomorrow to get Buddy's rabies shots, since it's (get this) Rabies Week in this part of the country and rabies shots are $7 at participating Vet's offices. Normally we buy the shot and administer it ourselves, but the extra coupla bucks gets you a rabies tag, so we're splurging. Buddy will be very pleased to have a car ride until we get there. Dogs always know.
Erin is too big for her
swing. Yes, hear me sobbing wildly. Her #1 napping tool is too small. So we have before us the gargantuan task of weaning her off of the swing to something normal. Say, the crib. Yes I will open myself up to the world's derision and say that she has never slept in her crib except for the rogue nap here and there. Okay, 2 rogue naps and that was only after she screeched herself hoarse and sweaty and kind of went into an unconscious stupor for about 10 minutes. Well, it happened again today when we decided to try napping normally again. Since her birth she has slept with us in the Big Bed. Ian was not a cuddly baby and couldn't wait to be left alone, though he did his fair share in the swing. Erin does not want to be more than 2 inches from warm skin (and warm milk) if she is going to be drowsy/sleeping. She is almost 9 months old now and happy pink thoughts of transitioning her to the crib on her first birthday, having been weaned off breastmilk and co-sleeping, are starting to resound with the tinny, raucous laughter of those more experienced. In other words, this is going to be easy right? Like potty training. Ha.

Maybe if it ever stops raining and gets above 50 degrees, I can console myself by mowing the yard with the new mower.
I don't know what to say except that your mother and I just laughed so hard we both had a case of gastrointestinal distress!!!
Hi Mandi,
Thank you for such a riveting
( I'm trying to expand my vocabulary,LOL) good insight into life at the Goforth House. Looking forward to reading your past posts. I hear the laundry calling my name,again, so, i'll be going for now. Blessings to you, from the Dickinsons.Oh, Kristen is now Mrs.Hess.
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