Ian has been leery of bugs. Some part of me is relieved because of the stories my mom tells about my brothers when they were boys. Pocketfuls of smooshed worms while doing laundry, etc. Shudder! Ian did bring us his first garden worm, but kept dropping it every time it wiggled and ended up sending it for a 'swim' in Buddy's water dish. Whoops. Since it is spring, the bugs are back. Everywhere we look we see bugs. Flies too. Mandi really doesn't like flies. Especially in the house. Mandi goes nuts with the fly swatter if she sees a fly in the house. Duck and cover, everyone. Since I cannot catch them in my hands like the Fly Whisperers (Chris and JD are vying for the world title) or with chopsticks (there's no point in trying. We'll leave that to Mr. Miyagi), I really have no choice.
Anyway, we were in the yard and Ian was stomping gleefully on poor innocent unsuspecting bugs on the driveway when he saw some movement on the chain-link fence. There was a caterpillar or something crawling up the links and Ian was about to flick it off. I stopped him and said, "Ooh, look! It's a bug playground!" So Ian stopped and watched the bug and thought it was neat that bugs had playgrounds. Today he was outside playing in the backyard, which was only somewhat soggy, when he saw a little green spider swinging from its thread on his swingset. "Ooh, a bug!" he squealed. I jumped and turned around. I saw the spider. "Wow, Mommy! A spider playground!" he exclaimed and watched it for about 5 minutes. Remember that 5 minutes is an eternity for 3 year olds.
Chris is back to work tomorrow with court bright and early. Yesterday he had his third wisdom tooth removed. Tomorrow he has the required physical for his FL certification course. We will be registering for that class ASAP! Maybe even tomorrow! Woo Hoo! Then plane tickets! Woo and 2 Hoos! And it's not even an April Fools joke! So for Chris it's been a busy weekend. He is still on antibiotics for his swollen jaw/earache/whatever infection and the ibuprofen horse pills they gave him are coming in very handy for the new crater in his gums that the big fat tooth left. Shudder! At least the other two craters are slowly filling in.
But today we went to walmart to pick up some developed film (from Christmas...oops) and looked at some other stuff for future reference. Pretty sure we're getting Ian a 2-wheeler with training wheels for his birthday in 3 1/2 months. Hey, it never hurts to have a plan. Really hope to be moved by then, but you never know.
We are also planning on buying a push mower, since the only person we know with a lawn mower (a rider!), well, the mower is 'down' or so they say. It won't fit through our gate anyway. So we are getting a push mower and helping the economy. Something like that.
I'd rather help the economy by selling the house, but what can you do? Just sit here and keep the yard nice and the dishes washed. And the laundry done so the messy little Cars underwear won't smell. Sorry for the visual. Or the phantom smells. You get it.

Well, Erin is going to be crawling any day. I know I've been saying that, but seriously, she can scoot like nobody's business. This results in falling backwards or forwards accompanied by loud wailing, but she's figuring it out. And now she has a new toy that sings and has flashing lights and moves by itself (it's a plastic ball) so she will be tempted to chase it. She really likes it. Ian does too. More Sighing. And she got a new carseat. See?
Oh, and to the avocado lovers out there, we got some for 44 cents apiece today. And we ate them all (all that we bought, anyway). Even Erin ate some. There will be fights over avocadoes in our house before the kids are grown, I can tell. It's a good thing that Mom is starting a couple of trees for us. Now we HAVE to move! They won't survive in OK, we had a few that didn't make it past the third frost.

Well, I'm getting my hair trimmed tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. More importantly, we'll see if I get any hairs cut or half lopped off because I brought the kids with me! Oh no!
:) And you've gotta love people who take your picture when you're telling your offspring not to lick the ketchup out of the little paper cup.
Interesting...the bug playground. I was just pondering the other day how it usually depends on the mother's (or whomever a child spends majority of their time with)reaction to creatures (bugs and critters)as to how they will react. So if you always act scared and squish them that is most likely the way the child will react and so if you teach them that it's fun to watch them "play" likewise. Isn't it fun watching your children grow and learn? Thank you Lord for the little things in life that surely teach us how to deal with the bigger things.
Go Erin Go! You can do it! Scoot...scoot...boogie! :D
Can't wait to see how the haircut goes. You're a cutiepie no matter what. :D
Lately every picture that boy takes has his tongue hanging out! We need to do something about that. hmmmm???
To Chris:
(...said with accent and off time vocals...)
My Bug Fu is superior to yours...
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