Well, yesterday was interesting. Got everyone up and ready for Buddy's vet appt at 10:30. I mentioned earlier that it's Rabies week here (in a good way) and Buddy's was due. So I gave him a quick bath on the driveway and poor Buddy, it was COLD! But he hadn't been bathed in a month and was also due for

more Frontline, so I used the vet as an excuse for a bath. He got towelled off and put in Berry's portable kennel to keep the wind off. Then we all went back to Lincoln. At the vet's office, we finally found out what Berry's problem was! After 2 years and 3 vets, this smart lady finally figured it out (well, she sent in stuff to the lab and got results back). It's called Giardia, ladies and gentlemen. Aka, Beaver Fever. Common out here, though oddly enough, no one here has ever heard of it.
According to Wikipedia, giardia is a
flagellated protozoan parasite that colonises and reproduces in the small intestine, causing
giardiasis (read gastrointestinal distress...). Giardia affects humans, but is also one of the most common parasites infecting
dogs and
birds . Mammalian hosts also include
deer, and
sheep. Giardia infection can occur through ingestion of dormant cysts in contaminated water, or by the fecal-oral route (through poor hygiene practices). The Giardia cyst can survive for weeks to months in cold water
[3], and therefore can be present in contaminated wells and water systems, and even clean-looking mountain streams, as well as city reservoirs, as the Giardia cysts are resistant to conventional water treatment methods, such as chlorination and ozonolysis.
[3] Zoonotic transmission is also possible, and therefore Giardia infection is a concern for people camping in the wilderness or swimming in contaminated streams or
lakes, especially the artificial lakes formed by
beaver dams (hence the popular name for giardiasis, "Beaver Fever").
You can read about the rest of it in Wikipedia if that kind of thing interests you. For our protection, we have covered the yard in lime.
It should also be noted at this time that "This parasite is deadly for chinchillas." I guess they just can't handle diarrhea.
This is also an EXCELLENT reason why we should not drink water when we are out in the wilderness! Unless you just enjoy having diarrhea. Let's see how many times we can use, describe or think about diarrhea in one post. Now I've got you going. Just don't start singing the song. Yes, that song. Stop it already!
So we are starting the first day of Berry's 8 day meds on Monday since they did not have enough on hand at the office and we have to go back Tuesday to get the rest of them. As it is, he'll be taking 4 pills at a time, twice a day. Groan! And he seems to be responding mildly to the doggy Valium.
Anyway, we got Buddy's rabies shot and he was complimented by everyone for being a very well-behaved dog. Then the vet saw that he was limping (we think he has arthritis, since it seems to hinge on the weather) and of course recommended that he come in for an x-ray and tests....well, she has great work ethic.
But we went home and had some lunch. About ten minutes before we left again, Chris got called out, so I ended up taking

the kids to Girric's birthday party at the park by myself. The nice chill of the morning had fallen away to 30 mph winds and a temperature of 49 when they managed to pause, which was rarely. This in no way had any affect on Ian's excitement to go the park and play with other kids. Erin wanted nothing to do with it and just wanted to get warm. Poor Brian was spread eagled across the tables under the small pavilion trying to keep the gifts and cake from being airborne while the kids tore around the park, noses running freely.
Another mother took Erin from me and took her off to play and I helped Brian put flyaway gifts in his truck to wait. Chris got back and played some with the kids, at least the ones that wanted to rough-house.
Praise report! Ian wore big boy underwear All Day and did not go in them ONCE! There was a dribble at the park bathroom, but I was squatted down and he was standing on my legs to be able to pee in the toilet (there's NO one going to sit on the park toilets...eeek.). I may interject at this point that I have superior balance. Sometimes. Okay, Mom, stop laughing. I am very relieved that I had good balance for that portion of the afternoon. At least until he dribbled. So he was great at the vet and then at home and the whole time at the park. And then all evening. It was a great day in that respect. Then again, it was really really cold. That might've had something to do with it. No one drank anything at the park (Chris thinks he was just dehydrated, but my optimism will not abate!) because it would have flown away. Jeremy's 20 oz Dr Pepper did fly off the table, explode out of the spout and roll madly away, so no one wanted to tackle cups of red Kool-Aid. But we did manage to eat cake and open gifts. Girric had a fun party. We hope he did, because everyone left as soon as possible because they were freezing. Chris had to go to work too, but Ian was sorry to leave.
Another happy thing to report. Our big check for Chris's registration at IPS (in FL!) went through yesterday morning. We hope this is a good thing. We are still waiting to get his packet before getting plane tickets, just in case they tell us something like "The class for May was full, so we just registered you for the July class instead." We are just nervous enough to wait to see the dates for ourselves. :D
Our pastor was fired/resigned, so our church is at loose ends right now. Never a dull moment here. Baby's crying. Naptime's over.