We've been sick a lot this past winter. Erin has been sick all except for about a week, and that's adding the days together. With all the runny noses and smearing and drool from teething and other messes, there have been a lot of unidentified masses in her hair, especially the part that gets in her face. We do a barrette or a pony tail almost every day, but at night, her hair gets in her face. It really aggravates her, and you can tell from all the impatient swipes to get it out of her eyes and accompanying huffs and noises. Gramma has suggested several times that we cut the poor thing's hair so she can get it out of her face.
After having to pry out a dried boogie last night and almost just cutting it out, I asked my HC again and he FINALLY gave the go ahead. He might change his mind after he sees it...

Ian said it looked beautiful. I say that it's really hard to cut a one year old's hair, especially around the face and ESPECIALLY when it's curly! It's growing on me. But she does remind me of a picture of my mom and her sisters when they were little mites. Now she looks more like Gramma than ever! Don't worry, I saved a little bit of curl for the Memory Box. Now I have to wonder, what am I going to do with all these barrettes??
HELP!!! I've been butchered!!
Oh wait a minute....now I can see!
Ian's right...she does look beautiful! But of course, you did say she now reminded you of me. :P
The title of the post scared me to death, but it really does look great...and looking more like her gramma can't be bad, not from my perspective...
Thanks a lot; Chris says it looks like a mullet. :|
It's very PulpFiction, right?!
Comfort first.....
It is cute and will be really great once the bangs grow out a little.
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