As a little add-on to the last post, this is a pic of my new, beautiful niece, Aislynn, who has just completed her first month on the Outside (of the womb, that is). I think it's just no end of funny that the Easter Basket is bigger than she is. She's probably eyeballing all that chocolate and thinking "Just you wait, next year, I'll be all over you!"
Of course, her cousins Ian and Erin would be more than happy to help her right now with all her Easter Candy.
Upon seeing Aislynn's pictures, Ian's first response was a look of pity. Then he spoke up. "She doesn't want to be a baby. She wants to be big. She NEEDS to be big." Clearly, he's happy being 4. Erin just points and says "Baby!"
1 comment:
The wisdom of a 4 year old who loves chocolate. :D
Aislynn is absolutely beautiful!
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