But I did have a chance to try to take some pictures.

For those who think it's completely necessary for kids to have their eyes open, I finally figured out how to turn off the flash. So there. At least some eyes are open.
We played Candy Land after our big Easter dinner of ham and asparagus, though Erin was only interested in the Hawaiian rolls. Erin got an Aqua Doodle and she loves it. This is a wonderful thing, since she has adorned almost every surface of the house with ink, crayon and/or colored pencil. Erin also got a coloring book, an Elmo movie and a book to read. Ian got a HotWheel, a Matchbox play scene and a book on Outer Space. There was a little candy involved and a small chocolate bunny, but we are overflowing with candy from the egg hunts we went to. These pictures have disappeared from the camera due to a mysterious removal of the battery (bad picture maybe?). Oh well.
Tonight we are having Hawaiian pizza with leftover ham. MMMmmmmmmm!!!!
I love that dress on Erin, and Ian looks more like his daddy than ever...oh, and the rolls, daddy again...
Drip dry.
Love ya bunches.
Funny look on Erin's face with her eyes open. :P
What did you say to her anyway?
Uh, JD, I get an average of 3 comments per post. Is it really such a personal triumph to be first?? LOL.
And I have no idea why Erin made a face. Maybe because I hadn't brushed my hair yet? Naw, I'm not THAT scary, am I?
Uhhh... I plead the 5th! :D
Erin's Easter dress is very pretty.
I really like Ian's Easter shirt. He looks really grown up. That part is kind of sad. :(
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