Today was Easter Fun Day at school. Everyone had to bring 6 candy-filled eggs, their Easter Basket and a happy smile (due to the cancellation of naptime for holiday festivities). Ian complied. He returned home with an insane sugar high, a little crankiness (happy smile suspended after the end of cancelled naptime), and these cute little ears.

Immediately, the kids sat down to examine the loot and open those filled eggs. Daddy added a little bug juice in case Erin felt deprived at being too young to go to school.

What is that on Ian's shirt? It goes with the cock-eyed ears...

Awwwww, it's a little bunny tail!!! And it came off about 2 seconds after the picture was taken. "I don't wanna wear the tail anymore, okay? I frow it in the trash."

Meanwhile, someone else was more than happy to play with Ian's discards, candy included...
cuteness indeed...
I love the bunny ears (and tail. Thanks Ian for letting Mommy get a picture to show Gramma before throwing it away. :D).
Too adorable, what a fun time. Happy Easter my sweets!
He is risen!
Love the pictures! Any more egg hunts for the weekend?
We had only like 4 or 5 kids in the 0-3 range yesterday at church... it was so cute. All little girls & they were so funny finding the eggs. LOL
How's the weather over there? Did you get affected by any tornadoes? Kinda concerned...
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