We've been sick so much, it seems like we'll never get back into our normal routine. Now that Erin is feeling better and Ian is only coughing a little bit, it was Mommy and Daddy's turn to wallow in the tissue box for a while. I've been sick for a couple of weeks anyway, just cold/throat infection type stuff. It eventually

goes away if you take some ibuprofen and drink a lot. Chris got sick last Friday and it got worse. He lost his voice for about a day and a half and wheezed some. He used the kids' nebulizer (it's a purple train, I got a laugh out of it) since his gave up the ghost and felt a little better. He took something for his asthma and slept a lot (I wonder what that's like?) and voila! this morning, he feels great. So he had a 2 day wonderbug. And that's it. I, meanwhile, am still coughing, sniffling, sneezing and tripping (that part may be normal) my way through the rest of whatever it is I have still. This is starting to get alarming though, since we are almost completely out of tissues. I even went on an emergency run to the groceryt store and got 2 more boxes last week. This cannot keep up. Something needs to happen!!!
We managed to take down all the Halloween decorations (the spider had moved away for something waterfront) and only had to keep half of them for display in Ian's room. They mysteriously ended up in the trash can after bedtime tonight, so we'll see if he notices them missing.

Erin got rescheduled for her well baby appointment. It's her 15 month and includes more shots. These should be it for a while. She'll also be getting her flu shot; I had planned on the kids getting theirs anyway, but it was stressed that she get one because she is "high risk." Oh well, it doesn't make it any easier to get. My HC and I will be travelling to the health dept sometime in the future to get ours. Last year we were the only ones at his work that didn't get the flu and I don't plan on getting it this year. No way! We missed the free flu clinic here in town because we were in the hospital. Oh well.
Ian got his 3rd reader with 2 new words added on to the rest. Now it's "and" and "Baby". He seems to be having a hard time with And, but he read the whole reader twice with only 2 helps. I don't care how many helps he needs, he's still brilliant to me. Every kid should be brilliant to their parents. That's part of the job, right?? :D

At bedtime last night, Ian was afraid of owls, so I got some old ALL/Febreeze type spray and told him it said All on it because it was Owl Spray for All Owls. I sprayed it around his room where he told me the owls came and he slept just fine. Tonight I had to spray it in more places, but I think it's working. And he can smell the difference. It's a pretty good smell, not overpowering. If nothing else, his room will smell fresh instead of like little boy sweat and other mysterious odors.
Also on my agenda is menu planning for Thanksgiving dinner. My mom and step-dad are

coming all the way from FL to get a taste of young family life. Partly because we're so much fun to be around and I think the other part is to appreciate the quiet life and spacious house they go back to when they've had their fill of sharing one bathroom with everyone and listening to constant night trains. As my grampa and I agree, no matter how great your visit or vacation is, there's no place like the home toilet.
But we are all looking forward to their visit. 21 days left, or so Ian's calendar says. My HC's birthday is also coming up. I am hoping to take him to the movies; a grown up movie; with just the two of us. We haven't been to a movie alone since before Erin was born. Another reason to be glad that Gramma and Papaw are coming to visit: babysitters!!! Woo-Ha!
Before I get too excited, I have to remember that it is still 3 weeks away and there are other things to do before then, like getting Ian off to school tomorrow. Erin is still not adjusted to the time change, so she will be wide awake at 6am. Yay.
Three weeks is a countdown for both of us! :)
Glad to hear that at least HC was feeling better... maybe if he takes over the kiddies & let's you sleep... LOL Sure hope you start feeling better soon, too!
Did you get a picture of Chris with the purple train nebulizer? That would have been awesome! :)
Loved the ALL spray thing, too. You sure do have a creative mind! And it works so beautifully!!
Oh, yeah... no cooking at our house, really. But a couple of months ago, I bought some of those frozen veggies steamers bags for the m'wave. We used that Sunday night & Nick grilled salmon, p'chops, + garlic bread. Preeety good! Last night was... Mexican. Sorry. :( It was good, though!
We're almost in our way...looking forward to it...remember (cough) it is some folks' special day tomorrrow (cough)...
That was supposed to read "on" our way, not "in" our way, yikes...
Yay! 20 1/2 days to go! We're all counting down! :D
The ALL spray IS ingenious for sure. And when your in Christ, Jesus is your ALL spray. :D
I too would like to see a pic of Chris with the purple train. :P
So glad everyone is getting better.
Ian, we're so proud of you and your reading! Can't wait to hear you read. :)
I love this picture of Ian. Ready for action!
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