I was just wondering earlier why Erin is so fascinated with yanking up shirts (particularly mine), driving her little finger into a belly button and digging it around. If you do it back to her, she yells like you're being really annoying and runs away. Why does Ian think it's hysterical to talk in a weird, high-pitched whiny voice and say things that don't make sense? Why does Buddy have the worst gas that has ever come from a living organism? Why does my HC play Mobster like it's

Sometimes you just gotta wonder.
Why do little girls look so stinking cute with little pigtails on top of their heads?

It will be in the 30s tonight and we're going to have some frost. I think this time for sure is the start of cold weather. Maybe next week I'll start packing all our summer clothes away. Then Ian will quit dragging out his Wall-E pjs (tank top and shorts) whenever we turn the heaters on.

Why am I so proud of myself for snagging a frozen turkey for 88 cents a pound? It is already marking time in the freezer. 3 weeks left. Oh yeah. Thanksgiving is also my HC's birthday. It's a good thing he really really likes pumpkin pie. My mom and step-dad are also coming for Thanksgiving. We have been marking the days on Ian's calendar. Ian is positive that he is the main attraction. I know he'll have a blast when they come to "his house." He gets the entire week of Thanksgiving off for "Thanksgiving Break." Even in college, we only got the Thurs and Fri off. Sheesh. It's 36 outside. Why am I eating a popsicle?
Some things are better off unknown.
Mighty good questions indeed....hmmm...you've given me something to think about.....hmmmm....I know, I know! Just because. :D
Love ya! MWA!
These are all very valid questions...you are such a thinker.
Let me add one... why do we park in a driveway?
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