I have been absent from Blog World for the past week because several things have happened this week that have required my attention. So far, I have done 78 loads of laundry, yet still have piles of dirty in the laundry area. I also made a pecan pie, which was wonderful, but now we are all pecan-ed out. Erin is sick again, so she's been back and forth to the doctor trying to get rid of whatever it is that's making her wheeze, cough, phlegm up and have diarrhea. We have been on the nebulizer, breathing in smoke for 4 fours a day (+nights) ever since. Sigh. The diarrhea is now going even stronger (no pun intended, he he) because she was put on a z-pack, which kills good bacteria too, so we are eating a lot of Gogurt. I also set the house on fire, by way of our natural gas heater. So I've been cleaning smoke residue off of everything ever since. And we had to get a new heater, because the old one was pretty crisped.

I'm not sure I want to get into all that right now, but just for my peace of mind, can everyone make sure their smoke alarms are still working? Just for me?? Because I had both kids in the tub and I wouldn't have known about the fire in time if ours hadn't been working so well. I got both naked-but-towel-wrapped kids outside and into the car (it was 30 degrees out!), called 911, eventually got the fire department there, got Buddy out of the house and the Jeep backed into the driveway across the street. I was very grateful that I at least had diapers and sweatpants in the diaper bag. After a lot of commotion, we were let back into the house, where it got to air out a lot more. Then the cleanup started, as well as shopping for a new heater, which was financed by God with the option of low interest payments.
And we have company coming in 2 days!

And there is a renegade cat (whose name should be Heathcliff) in the neighborhood who is targeting our trash cans and taking great delight in stringing it out all over our porch.
And Berry ate our $30 waterhose. It is in small pieces all over the yard still. Sigh.
And we got an unexpected bill that made our eyes bug out a little (ah-OOOga). [Think Roger Rabbit]
Ian is now on Thanksgiving Break. No school all week long, which I'm happy about, for his sake. We still have homework, but that's okay, he missed school because of his gag reflex, so we can catch up on our reading no problem.
How come these things pile up right before family comes to visit???
WOW! Well I will pray that you guys have a drama free and fun Thanksgiving :-)
I am going to check our smoke detector now. Glad everyone is okay!
There will be plenty of drama this week for sure! I mean... the drama king and queen are coming for a visit after all. :D
God is soooo good...ALL the time...even when it doesn't look like it.
Sorry to miss your call today. :(
Almost time...whoo hooo!
Okay, the fire story is pretty scary, but I'm very relieved to hear you're ALL okay. And the having to pull the wet babies out in the cold... aww... :(
Love the 3D glasses... what movie was that for?
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