I had taken Ian to the doc's to get his flu shot, having been there this morning for Erin's 15 month checkup, now that she's finally better. I asked the nurse about Ian's flu shot and she said to just bring him in and they would do it. So I left Erin at home with HC and took him down to have it done. He cried and fussed and wailed. And that was before we even got out of the car.
After a bit of a wait, with me tapping my foot at the ticking clock (HC had to be at work at 4 and we were sitting there at 3:45), we were called in. The nurse, bless her little ole pea picking heart, asked me if we wanted the nasal injection instead of a shot. I asked Ian. "No SHOT?" he asked, impossible hope stamped on his little face, his eyes huge. "Nope," the nurse said, smiling, "all you have to do is tilt your head back and swallow. Can you do that?" "YES!" Ian said.
And it was done.
Then it was time to swing by and get Erin before the promised post-shot ice cream, which was still insisted upon even in the relieving absence of needles. I got home and ran inside. HC had a crestfallen doomsday look on his face. "She flushed it," he said pitifully. "Huh?" I said intelligently. "I wasn't watching her and then it was gone and it was stuck and--and--she flushed it," he finished weakly. "Huh?" I repeated. "I thought it was just a toy in there. She was standing there next to the toilet and I thought someone forgot to flush and I flushed it and it didn't go down and I thought it was a toy and so I reached my hand way up in there and felt it and it wasn't a toy! It was my PHONE!" I insist at this point that tears were about to start.

"I have to go to work. It was my fault, I wasn't watching her closely," he said sadly. Then we all left. Poor HC!! Now we'll all be careful about keeping the bathroom door closed.
In the meantime, he has found his old phone, the one that shuts off for no reason whenever you least expect it and has horrible speakers, where you can't tell what the other person is saying when you talk to them. But at least he's not missing any calls? Poor HC!
OH, and is anyone else completely weirded out by the time change? I feel like I'm late if I'm not starting supper at 4:30, when the sun is going down!
sweet pea has that Steve Urkel look in the first photo, to wit:
Daddy's phone? Did I do that?
I'm sorry...I think it's absolutely hysterical! :D Har har haw haw. How could you possibly keep a straight face?
Hurray for Ian, no shot, all right!!! I agree though, the trauma of it all definitely still calls for ice cream. :D
Happy Anniversary to me.... :P
Glad to hear he didn't need the shot! :)
If the SIM card is still working, then here's an idea: I've been told you can head to WM or wherever, buy a pre-paid phone & put the SIM card in there. Usually cheaper than trying to upgrade your phone in the middle the two years or whatever & you don't have to extend your contract!
Yay for ice cream!
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