This morning, Ian seemed better. He really wanted to go to school, so we bundled everyone up and set out. He coughed a lot, but he made it. But now Erin is coughing up a storm and dragging today. I was too. No fun. We were getting the bike stroller out to take Ian to school and I was passing our Halloween decorations. We hung up our little trashbag ghosts and strung up our fake spiderweb. It didn't come with the little plastic spiders, so I raided my stash of Halloween goodies for a few spider rings for Ian and HC to stick in the fake web. Well, this morning, one of them moved. And got bigger. Waaaay bigger. And it was yellow and white and black. Eeeeeeeew. We all froze, then stared at it, fascinated and disgusted and with creepy crawlies starting to shiver over the backs of our necks. Then we shook it off and took Ian to school.

When we got back, Chris spit on it to see if it was still alive (it was) because that's what boys do. When it doubt, spit on it or in it or over it. If it flinches, it's good and you're really scary. :) Guys are so funny.

It's still there. It has moved into the spider version of a model home, I guess. Furnished and even with a fake family so you won't get lonely. But it's really cold outside, so maybe it really needs a home. I hope it knows that its new home will be condemned and removed next weekend. Shiver, blrrrreagh. Not a big fan of spiders here. Ugh.

But back to the no fun part of our evening, Ian coughed so hard he threw up his supper and red KoolAid all over the carpet and down the hallway. He then had to interrupt his vomit moment to pee, so we were laughing a bit. For example: "Bleah, Bleah (that's him throwing up). Cough cough. OH NO! I have to PEEEEE!" "Go then," I said, wondering how much would continue until I could start cleaning up. I was also holding a grossed out Erin on my hip. I wiped a tissue over Ian's nose and mouth as he ripped down his underoos and started whizzing like a champ. He had just peed about 10 minutes before. Wow, was his little bladder full. "Wow," I said. "Where did all that peepee come from?" His little pale face grinned up at me. "I don't know," he said. "But it's coming out." And he only sprinkled a little bit. What a buckeroo.
I got him settled in his room with a movie and draped towels over the messes in the living room. Uh oh. Erin felt hot. The battery in the thermometer is dead! I tried to get a replacement at the town pharmacy today, but they didn't have that one. They ordered it and it will be here Monday. Not that it helps me over the weekend. The only thing left is: DUM Dum dum. The Heini-o-meter! [screaming] Poor Erin was introduced to it and her little temp was 101.9. Oh NO! So she got some meds and some nebulizer for her wheezy cough and conked right out. I really hope she sleeps tonight and the temp doesn't go up like Ian's did.
So she went to sleep and I proceeded to scrub red food coloring out of the carpet. Wheeeee.
Now I need to finish up before someone else needs me.
I'm so sorry. Father God, please heal these little bodies of this sickness. Help Mommy and Daddy to know what to do and when. Give the doctor guidance in treating them for the right thing. Amen.
We love you all sweetie. We're praying!
Oh, and the spider is very creepy!
We have (had hopefully past tense) an unwelcomed guest tonight. A snake in our garage. Eww. We're not exactly sure where he is now. Not very comforting at all. :(
Glad he WAS feeling a bit better! The spider story was creepy! *shudder*ulgh*
Poor little babies... I sure hope they get to feeling better like NOW. I bet some nice warm Florida sun would fix it!
Gotta room ready...
Love you, girl!
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