This week has been one thing after another, it seems. The kids started to get the coughs and sniffles back, then some breathing trouble and then Ian woke up with the croup. Sigh. On night 2 of the croup, he woke up and couldn't breathe, so the nebulizer has been our friend, especially the little mask that leaves Ian hands-free so he can play on the computer at the same time. :D
Then last night the fever hit us. It climbed up to 103.4 and Ian started babbling and talking to people that weren't there. I was seriously freaked out. We started the ibuprofen and tylenol rotation. It slacked off after a lot of rocking and cold cloths on the face and neck. It went down to 101 and he asked to go to bed (I guess I wasn't that comfortable to sit on). He woke up at 5 telling me there were owls in his room (his version of monsters in his closet). I went in there, cleared them out and he went back to sleep. I got up at 7 and he woke up with a 101 fever still. Then he threw up the ibuprofen all over his room. Sigh. So we decided to stay home from school today.
I made chicken and dumplings for instant wellness. It sort of worked, though Erin picked out all the dumplings and launched them across the kitchen. I may still have one in my hair. But Ian hemmed and hawed and didn't want it until we told him it would make his cough and sickness go away (doesn't chicken have healing properties??). He quit playing in it and ate most of it, but only because he wanted dessert. But it was a change from the same old request I'd been hearing about all night and all day.

I'm praying...as I write too...
Thanks. Everyone is in bed now, we're hoping it stays that way! And the battery is dead on the thermometer...
Praying for you all! Holding them with you in spirit. :)
Hope you're able to get some rest soon.
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