I carefully followed the instructions on the Pioneer Woman website and lopped the stems off and cut them in quarters. Then came the fun part of getting the seeds and strings off. Ian was not so enthusiastic about this part, but he still helped. The chunks were cleaned and baked and then baked some more. Then they were skinned and stuck in the food processor and made about 8 cups of pumpkin puree. Go away Libby's! I don't need you anymore! I have Home Made Pumpkin Puree! It is stacked nicely in my freezer by cupful in baggies. :D
Sunday afternoon, after I finally finished chiseling dried pumpkin strings, etc off of every conceivable surface (evidently Ian had a BUNCH of fun helping), I decided to try out pumpkin pie. My only problem was the recipe. I had a great recipe in my big folder of recipes, but someone (cough cough) had messed with the computer before the recipe was printed off and instead of 2 tsp of cinnamon, 1 tsp of ginger (or whatever) there was 4^%2346549822 tsp cinnamon, 233%$#@&&$@23354 tsp of ginger.
Chaos ensued.

Then I remembered that there was a pumpkin pie recipe on the one can of Libby's pumpkin puree that I had left in the pantry.
So I used that one and the can it came on...I guess I'm saving my puree for the next one.
*Update*: Since the above portion was written, there is now nothing left of said pumpkin pie but a tiny sliver. It is for my HC when he gets home; sort of a little pick me up after he sees the empty pie plate in the sink. ;)

Tomorrow is Ian's first field trip to his teacher's farm/dairy. They will be back by lunch time, but he is more excited, I think, about getting to ride the bus than he is about seeing a farm. We'll see, I guess.
Just when you thought Libby had left the building for good, she found a way back in...
...jingle time...
if it says Libby's Libby's Libby's on the label label label, you will like it like it like it on your table table table, if it says Libby's Libby's Libby's on the label label label
Would someone please come back to the 70's and get me outta here?
OOooooooo, I SO was thinking of her recipe when I walked by the little pumpkins out grocery shopping! That is so funny!
Glad to hear you did it, too! :) And pumpkin pie sounds good. I am now motivated to lose weight considering there's just over 6 weeks left before I start IVF. Just got some bloodwork done, so we'll see if my endo is affecting my immune system (pray it's not, cuz I'm not sure if it will postpone the cycle or not).
Can't wait to hear about his field trip! That sounds really fun. I'd like to go on a field trip!
Homemade pumpkin puree? Libbey's indeed would seem sufficient for most but the pioneer woman followers would all agree.... Let's hear it for homemade pumpkin puree! Now the question is...can the hc tell a difference? ahem...hint...hint...chris this is for you...make sure it makes a difference!
Ian has always wanted to ride a bus and now he gets his chance. I wonder if he will be disappointed by said bus ride (like all the rest of us multiple year bus riders)? I hope he has the time of his life! :D
I absolutely love the picture of Erin and Daddy reading together. :D
Your latest post was October 13?!!
Helloooooo! We're having withdrawals here. Absolutely NO EXCUSES! :P
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