Saturday, February 28, 2009

Makeover: Floor Edition

"This project was supposed to be about replacing the carpet!" Clearly, from the pictures, it didn't end up that way. When we moved the furniture out of our room/laundry room/back entryway, the cheesy panelling was moldy and rippled. Ruined! We calculated the cost of drywall and insulation (because there wasn't any!) and took a trip to Lowe's.

15 sheets of drywall, 8 rolls of insulation, 9 strips of trim, a box of nails and a tub of spackle later, I would like to take this time to mention that I am the Expert Insulator (and I have the fiberglass grains to prove it!). I have also (almost) mastered the staplegun. I still kinda stink at hammering though. I still say it's because we only have right-handed hammers. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

This is some of the mess that was scattered about the living room. We ended up laying our mattress down and sleeping on it for a couple of nights. Boy were we ever so glad to have the bed set back up in our room! The kids really liked having something to bounce on and play in. They especially liked the nice cushy bed when they were watching movies or eating goldfish crackers (pieces of which are still embedded in various parts of my body after sleeping on crumb shards).

Finally, last night, the spackling was dry enough to coat with primer and the primer was dry enough to paint. The carpet and linoleum were rolled out and the trim was smacked on. Now about that mess in the living room...
Today it snowed all day. I was intending to take a picture of the finished play ground, but the back door was frozen shut and there was no chance of me getting dressed just to walk to the back yard for one picture. Maybe tomorrow. ;)
Meanwhile, putting in drywall and such is not something for the faint of heart. We are both sore and with colds, smacked fingers, cuts, bruises and gritty eyes. No more projects! At least until the new front door comes in this week...


JoyfullyHis said...

The mess is slowly dwindling. I have been doing laundry nonstop and we finally had a decent meal today, now that our room is done. It's much easier to be optimistic when you have clean underwear and a full belly.

JoyfullyHis said...

Alas, I still have paint in my hair...

Even So... said...

It's much easier to be optimistic when you have clean underwear and a full belly.

Comparing your experience this week with your mom's, she would concur, but for different reasons...


T said...

Well you guys are quite project oriented these days.
Way to stick with it.

MrsEvenSo... said...

I am so impressed with your many talents. Do it yourself home improvements can be very rewarding.

Oh, and .... there's alot to be said about a full belly and clean underwear. ;P

Rachie Pachie said...

:) Yay for you w/ the staple gun & powering through that right handed hammer! LOL

Love the pictures & the green you put on the walls! I sure hope the insulation will also help w/ keeping your room warm/cold (ya know, in the appropriate season)!

Miss you dearly.

MrsEvenSo... said...

That is mint chip green. Looks yummy! :D

Christopher Cohen said...

Even more painful then everything you listed is doing all of the makeover and additions/upgrades on a home you are trying to sell.

It's always more fun when you love the home and plan to stay in it until you are grey.

Christopher Cohen said...

I say that because I have to convince myself sometimes that I am in my retirement home in order to be motivated to repair or replace anything!