The little border at the top was a huge thing for me, as I am not fond of clinging to a shaky ladder while Berry tried to climb it after me.

This is a bit of the leftovers of the Ice Storm of 09. The entire town has these huge piles of branches, sticks and bits of trees piled on the side of the road, waiting for someone to come with a chipper.

Buddy and Berry were very curious as to why I was standing in the middle of the street taking pictures of them. They were too cute to pass up.

Meanwhile, Ian has been eagerly awaiting something else. From morning 'til night, ever since Nana and PopPop left.

"We get my new playground today??"

Finally, the day came and the heavy boxes were brought home. Then the fun began. Oh yeah, The Sorting of The Boards. It's almost ceremonial. And it was 35 degrees outside. But we got them all sorted into piles and marked with taped on sticky-notes. Those aren't all of the board piles. I kinda forgot to take pictures at first.

But by Saturday afternoon, we had made a dent and had created a masterpiece. Ian began to get skeptical. He kept looking at the picture on the box and staring really hard at the poles.

By Sunday afternoon, everyone was happy to be outside supervising.

But I'm not sure. Erin might have been more of a distraction than a help, but she sure was happy to be in the middle of it all...

This could be a picture of my HC hard at work, or it could be a very illuminating picture as to the present location of the tape measure and the drill bits....(ahem, Erin!)

Finally, we were getting somewhere! Even Ian could see that it was not a cruel trick. There really was a playhouse in there somewhere.

By afternoon, we were this far. My HC had to get ready for work at 4 and the rest of us were banned from going into the yard. For obvious reasons.

A big thanks to Nana and PopPop for helping us make our cool playground possible!
The red trim looks great and so does the playground. :D Way to go!
The red trim is fabulous!
The playground looks like quite the adventure to construct. What a great addition to the yard :0
Alas, you've finally discovered the secret to photographing Erin! Outdoors in daylight produces open eyes! :O Who da thunk?
Soon it will be warm enough to really play outside. I predict a lot of open-eyed pictures. ;)
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