Last week, Ian hit his 100th day of Pre-K. They celebrated by doing a project that involved 100 items, either brought in or stuck onto a posterboard. You would be astonished at how many parents had problems with the number 100. I saw several posterboards that only had, say, 16 dots or pasted shapes, or 65 M&Ms. Interesting. Ian and I did a paper chain (yes, 100 loops). He cut out all of the strips and did color selection. I drew lines and stapled. He has it hanging in his room. But for this special occasion, the teachers made special "100" hats for all the kids. They are just too cute.

She tries on everyone's shoes. She likes the slip-ons. Sometimes she likes just walking in one shoe. Even Ian thinks it's funny when she stomps around wearing his cowboy boots, since they come above her knees.
The weather has been wonky. Warm one day, freezing at night, warm with a really chilly wind, cool at night. But tomorrow, it is forecasted to rain/snow. Hm. We'll see. Though no one is as skeptical as they were before the Ice Storm.

I have been painting. We went to Lowe's and bought some red paint so I could redo the kitchen cabinets. My kitchen seems to have adopted an apple theme and I really like it. I've never seen myself as a theme type of girl, but I really like my Appley kitchen. So much that I painted my cabinets (4 on the bottom, 4 on top and one drawer) apple red. After a couple of days of double-taking, I'm starting to get used to it. But then I had all this red paint left over. Even after 2 coats on the cabinets. So I decided to do the kitchen door (to the carport) to match. My HC

The "100" hat IS really cute. Ian is such the model!
I LOVE the red cabinets! They look great. Good job! It does liven things up a bit. Looking forward to pictures (in daylight) of the front of the house too.
You're going green next month right? ;D
I'm not too sure about the bikini comment. :/
Pretty flowers! :D
Erin with one shoe stompin' around has got to be too cute!
LOL about the parents sending in 16dots or 60-something M&Ms... did you stand there & count them!? :)
And I absolutely LOVE the red cabinets... I'm not sure I could ever be brave enough to do it. I'm always worried it won't look like I imagine or just being disappointed. Maybe that's why we STILL haven't hung anything on our walls in the house. I'm so afraid of committing to a particular place on the wall. Like a year ago, I bought the temp velcro type strips to prehang the pictures... but, still haven't used them!! LOL Oh, well. I'm sure things will be on the wall soon w/ the baby coming & wanting everything that can possibly be taken care of before s/he comes... will be taken care of.
Hope you have a WARM day today! I'm so glad to have had several days in the 70s. 20s & 30s temps suck. Ugh. I don't know how you can do it... or painted outside in the freezing?! Crazy! Although, I am looking forward to seeing the outside pics w/ the red trim!
Welcome to the world of wildly colored walls...it is a fun world to live in. Purple kitchens, red living rooms, pink bathrooms, green laudry roomss... oh wait that is my house lol. Glad you are enjoying the wonders of paint, I always knew you had it in you :-)
Love the pictures!!!
100 days...they grow so quickly.
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