Ian was so sore this morning from his shots that he had to be carried from his bed to his chair in the living room. Then he was cold, so he needed a blanket draped around him just so. He definitely needed some extra loving today....the green cereal bowl, Crackle Pops (Rice Krispies) and extra milk. Then he needed some medicine. Bunches of medicine (he asked, but only got one dose of Ibuprofen because we all know that when we flinch (don't fib! Everyone flinches!) when we get a shot it hurts for 2 weeks. So he got some ibuprofen and eventually felt better.
Later, at Walmar
t, he told a grandmotherly employee about his ordeal. He ended with, "those shots hurt me! I want to kick the doctor!" I'm sure the nurse was right when she mentioned that small children run crying when they see her in public.

Erin seemed to be okay, other than sleepy. :D
Uh, duh, Mommy... forget the IBUprofen & give him a Frosty! What were you thinking?
That's hilarious that he was telling the story to someone at WM!! I would have loved to hear THAT conversation with all of his descriptions! :)
Lots and lots of TLC, you did great mom. It's okay Ian, Gramma will kick the doctor for you. :P
Haleigh had her 4 month shots 2 days ago. Kristen and Poppop took her to her appointment. I'm glad I had to work. Gramzie would of been crying with little Haleigh bug too. Ouch!
Have you ever heard of pickled asparagus? I saw a recipe for it in a magazine.
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