My garden is still going. The squash is on hiatus, the carrots are just weird and the okra is just getting started. So I did some Googling (be proud, Mom and JD and others to whom the answer is always "Did you Google it?") and found a great site that tells you how to can, preserve and anything else you want to do to produce. So I have great plans for my okra and tomatoes (which are all humongous and STILL green). I DID have great plans for my CUCUMBERS, but...sigh. Sigh. SIGH.
"Burpless cucumbers are not recommended for use in fermented pickles. This is because at their normal mature size, they produce an enzyme that causes the pickles to soften during fermentation." Mushy pickles? Ewwwwwww.
When asking certain knowledgeable persons about which seeds to buy for my garden, I was advised repeatedly to get "Burpless Cucumbers." So I got them. A lot. And now I can't even can them!!! So we are giving them away. If you are close enough, you can come and Pick Your Own. Please. I shudder to think that I might have to BUY the canning cucumbers to make into pickles. But I may.
First, however, I am going to go for pickled okra. I am going to try a half batch first to see if it worked out (and because I don't have 7 lb of okra ready yet, all at the same time).
Happy for me, I have connections in town. The mayor's mama. She knows all about canning because she did it for years. Now she is a retired canner/gardener and gets her produce from industrial people with big gardens and too many of the wrong kind of cucumber. And her best friend, Millie the Mailperson, has a garden so big she bought a brush hog to till it with. So MoMo doesn't need a garden unless she needs a tomato or two to grow for fun. She has all the canning stuff and know-how, so she's letting me borrow a big vat to make the brine and her canner. She will also be available for assistance when (not if) I call her about how long to boil the lids and is the brine supposed to look/smell/fume like that?
I will be faithful to my readers (all 4 of you are great) and report any and all successes and mishaps. It will be Friday before I go to MoMo's house to get the canner because she invited the kids and I over for her family 4th get together + fireworks. We really love MoMo. She makes us feel good (and she laughs at my lame jokes. Kindred spirit).

My favorite are the ladybugs. We got 3. Woo hoo!

Oh, and Ian REALLY likes the parachute ones. We got a daytime one and a nighttime one. We did the daytime one this afternoon and this time, we caught the parachute! Last year it narrowly missed the powerline and got caught in the neighbor's tree. It is gone now, so I assume some industrious squirrel is saving it for emergencies. Or for his Tarzan routine.
But it's so hard to believe that it's July already. Three weeks until my babies' birthdays. Sigh!!
At least they like cucumbers. For now. And just in case you wanted a closer look at that carrot, there you are. I think our garden plot used to be radioactive or something. We have yet to get Just One.

Ian thinks these are hilarious. He still laughs every time he sees the picture. boys.
These are wonderful pictures of my grandchildren! We love them to pieces, they are so adorable. ....sigh....
The carrots look absolutely obscene and disgusting. eww.
Thank God for MoMo! Have fun with your canning. I would love to try your pickled okra. What a great idea! I'm disappointed with you on the burpless cucumbers (they are the best for salad and munching) although I haven't ever heard of anyone trying to can them actually. :P
Love you all and miss you bunches!
LOL. Seriously, the carrots look funny. Have you ever seen AFV when they have a crazy picture of a tomato that says something about suggestive veggies... that's what it makes me think of. Use your imagination! ;)
Yes, your kiddos are getting so grown up!
I expect to see a full step-by-step photo narration of the canning process (just like Pioneer Woman) soon. Tim & Bekah are canning peoples. When his garden comes in they work all night with the green beans & okra & other stuff. I just know those two since they can like 70+ quarts of beans. Mmm, they are so good, too. We don't get lots of them, so we savor & save them for a special occasion!
Can't wait until you move here. There are now 4 house literally RIGHT AROUND the corner from our house... wish ya'll could move in there. How awesome would that be?!
Love you girl & miss ya. Sorry I've been slacking on the commenting... I have been reading!
Yeah for the ladybugs!!!!Looking forward to reading all about your canning adventure. That's something I've wanted to do FOR YEARS. My mom had a REALLY bad experience with it when I was a kid and burnt her arms REALLY bad doing it. So, I've been a big chicken, and never tried. Make sure you have a SUPER pair of tongs or whatever MoMo tells you to use when you pick up the canning jars out of the boiling water. Happy canning Girl, have fun.Oh, do you have green beans in your garden? That sounds yummy.
I love pickled okra! As a matter of fact that is the only way I like okra. Any way, good luck and If you need a taste tester I would happily volunteer my services!
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