Canning was interesting. I didn't expect it to be so hot in the kitchen the WHOLE time. I guess all that brine and that big water bath canning pot boiling and the dishwasher and boiling lids and the 90 something degree weather outside all combined to make one wilted Mama.
And the crying baby/needy preschooler/curious-but-I-have-to-go-to-work husband was a factor as well. W
e started our Saturday by going to the Farmer's Market, a new institution in our county, part of the state, etc. We drove all the way to the town that has the Other Walmart (very small and not much selection; we kind of stopped going there) and through small, somewhat sloppy homemade signs, found the library whose parking lot housed the FM. There were 4 or 5 trucks with people sitting on tailgates with tables set up in front of them. Some had little tent/awning things set up. They all mostly had the same thing I have in my garden. No okra. That's what I really wanted, since my garden won't produce enough at a time to pickle. 'Next week,' said one farmer (he had the John Deere hat, the suspenders and the straw in his teeth; he was a farmer), "I'll have enough next week; Got a handful yesterday. I got 16 rows of okra. You come back next week." I assured him I would. To cut it short some, I got some zucchini from one lady who informed me that I needed to start growing my own food and asked Chris what branch of the Army he was in (???). After a puzzled pause, he said he wasn't. She nodded and said "Guard?" Before he could respond, she busied herself with my zucchini and change.

We were heading back to the car when we passed one last table with a mound of cukes. I buzzed over and asked the fateful question: "Are these pickling cucumbers?" "Uhhhh," said the husband. "Let me get my wife." He did and she assured me that they were. Obviously she scented an eager but somewhat naive wannabe canner, and told me that even the big ones would be great for bread and butter pickles if I sliced them up. (I ended up chucking the big ones because of the huge tough seeds, so that was all right.) I bought two cartons of beautiful cukes for $4. She gave me more from the u-pick box for free.
We headed to Walmart to get some pickle mix. I was relieved to find a mix that did 8 pint jars and not 16 quart jars, like the other recipes I had seen.
I went home and stuck my jars in the dishwasher and started slicing. (see pictures!)
Chris had to go to work before the real work got started, so these are the only ones we have. His camera phone does all our candid pics. The other camera is still collecting pictures for developing and has some cute 4th of July pictures on it, including Ian wearing a long black, curly costume wig. Hahaha.
Anyway, I sliced the cukes and put them in the prepared jars. I fixed the bread and butter mix (5 cups of vinegar, 5 cups of sugar!, and the mix packet) and ladled it into the jars of slices. I stuck a knife in the jar to remove air pockets. I wiped the rim of the jars and magneted the lids out of the boiling water. I stuck the lids on carefully, screwed the rings on and waited for the water in the canner to boil. And waited and waited and waited and waited and waited.
I went to Harp's to get some dill pickle mix, since I had some cukes left (and 3 jars; they didn't carry jars or I would've gotten more of them too). I came back and the water was still not boiling. Eventually it did and I stuck the jars in the wire rack and lowered them into the water. Whoops, not enough water. Added some more and waited for it to boil. It did and I timed it, took them out and added the rest.
The dill mix made my eyes burn something fierce! The bread and butter mix was like pine sap. Wherever it dripped, it stuck. The spoon had to be pried off of the stove. Erin stuck to the floor and screeched. My foot got sappy spots on it (what can I say? I'm a messy cook). Ew!
But this morning when I got up, I had 12 beautiful jars of pickles on my counter, each one sealed. I got out my Snoopy labels and now they are on my pantry shelves.
Today, I didn't feel so Donna Reed. As usual, we waited until the hottest part of the day (when the baby was napping) and went outside to do yard work. I got to mow, Chris did the weedeater and Ian rode bikes, picked up toys, and asked me what was wrong every time the mower turned off. (One time I hit a dirt clump, but the rest of the time, I just needed a break! :)
And announcing to everyone, Erin got her 3rd tooth. A top tooth this time. It is sharp.
Aww... what a sweet picture of that girl! Hard to believe it's been a WHOLE year!
Great job on the canning. And great about the Farmer's Market. We're supposed to have one around here... but it hasn't been where it's supposed to have been. Weird.
If I liked pickles... I'd be sending money to ship 'em! :) Oh & remind your absent-minded friend Rachel to find her other digital camera to mail to you. Stupid.
Oh, yeah... went scalloping this weekend. I'll have pictures uploaded later on tonight when I get a wi-fi connection at school. I didn't actually harvest the scallops, but I did clean them. Lots of them. Probably hundreds of them.
Have a good day!
I miss you all so very much.... sigh....I would love to be there helping you can and holding and playing with my grandchildren.
I know I've said this before and I'm positive I'll say it again.... we have the most adorable grandchildren in the world! :D
Extremely photogenic as well.
I hope they have okra this week. Save me some, ok
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