"Catch the Reading Bug" program and the Oklahoma Science Museum came to teach us about real bugs. The college boys who did the presentation did a great job and everyone learned something. But then Something happened and my self-perception will never be the same.
OK, I know there comes a time in every woman's life when this happens. Sometimes it is funny, and sometimes it is just heartrending. Sometimes you are impressed with the manners of today's kids and sometimes you want to ask them what the big idea is. The fact is--and I'm sort of cringing--someone called me ma'am today. It wasn't a little kid. It wasn't an old person (someone my age or older, that is). It was a college kid! I wanted to shake the guy and say, "Hey! I'm only, what, 5, 6, 8 years older than you! What's up with this?" But I was holding the baby and couldn't do that. So I just stared at him, dumbstruck. I could almost feel my eyes rolling around in my head and my tongue lolling out. With that cartoon "aah-oooooga" sound. He noticed my strange expression because he got that deer in headlights look. That "what did I do?" expression. I stammered out that no one had ever called me ma'am before. He tripped all over himself trying to tell me that it was a habit, blah blah. I told him that I understood, I was from the South. He smiled politely (probably afraid I would go into those "when I was a kid in the South" stories) and quickly busied himself doing anything that would hide him under the table.
I was so upset I did two things that are completely against my nature. I petted a giant cockroach and then I ate a meal worm. Well, it was a library program, after all.
Hah! Welcome to adulthood!
You must have been in shock to have done that. ewww.
Yes, ma'am, yuosa mommma, a laaady, anda growin upsa fhast, soon ya be a warin die-pers agin, liken them thar oldy fokes...
Heah!!!!!Watch those old fokes jokes now. And diapers can be a good thing, don't knock them till you try them....LOL Just kidding, seriously, I'm joking. Yep. Yes Ma'am. It just sounds ancient too. I'd like to say you'll get used to hearing it, but...my inner child screams and pouts everytime. I don't want to grow up...Oh, well. Can't fight the obvious.
Ewwww... seriously?! Ate a meal worm & petted a roach? You need to get back in Florida promp-to!
The ma'am thing was hard for me, too. The year I taught I heard it over & over again. I really had to resist telling them "Not ma'am... no, please call me Rachel" over & over. LOL.
Sorry you heard it today! ;) You're awesome, girl! Just wanna say that. You really are.
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