Well, it seems like we have the blues. Everyone is sad about something. Chris is blue because he really wanted to pass his exam in FL and move. Well, he didn't and we can't move anyway until we sell the house. I'm blue because I hate doing dishes and they never seem to all get done and I'm behind on laundry and the baby is crawling and I can't keep the floors clean and Ian keeps spraying when he pees in the bathroom so it makes me positively ill when the baby crawls on the floor in there and it's fly season and I can't keep them all out of the house and why do babies always head for trashcans and my list of stuff to do never seems to get done! Clearly, I'm overwhelmed.
Ian is blue because his pool is broken. So I scrubbed out the baby pool (this is Erin's pool now, so it is tiny) and put a bit of water in it (it's tiny, it won't fit that much water in it). He tried to play in it but the water was cold and it was "too small". So he decided to turn the water on by himself and fill it up some more. He just forgot to turn it off and nobody seemed to notice that the water was on until we woke up this morning to find the yard had turned into the new city pond. Buddy was very blue. His favorite napping place is under water. Now we're even bluer because of our upcoming utility bill. Sigh!
Erin is blue because she keeps trying to walk and keeps bumping her head on Everything. And because I won't let her chew on the computer mouse while I'm typing. And her cup is blue and she is looking at me through it, so she looks blue (har har; hey at least I'm attempting humor).
And then Chris asks me "Did you get any laundry done yesterday?" And I gave him The Look. In other words, and he might need this translation as well. Does it LOOK like I did any laundry? I didn't even know he needed laundry done. There aren't any full hampers in the laundry room and my mind reading abilities were accidently severed when I got my wisdom teeth out. So No. I didn't do any laundry yesterday, which is why Chris went to work in a used shirt.
So I have laundry going now, but as Chris said, "It's too late now." I don't know why I'm doing it anyway, if it's too late. I guess I'm not too blue for sarcasm. Eek.
I am also aggravated at myself for not finishing my list of stuff because an important thing is to clean out the stupid potty seat one last time and pack the sucker away! This is needed because Ian thinks it's more convenient for him to pee in it (standing up, mind you) than to pee in the big toilet and then put the lid down so no one knows it has been used. So TWICE now I have gone to pack the thing up and there has been old pee in it. Go ahead, gag away. I have.
So maybe I'm not blue. Maybe I'm yellow. No, the pee is yellow. I'm green. Blue + yellow = green. Whatever. Even my bad jokes are seriously off today.
And the price of BDUs went up. Way up. These are Chris's work pants. Since we are at a police department that pays bare minimum per hour for the officers (uncertified officers make $7/hr) and have no benefits or retirement or anything, it stands to reason that we have to pay for everything pertaining to equipment and uniform. And let's face it: black pants fade. Anyway, it is time to replace the old faded ripped pants with new ones and the price has gone from $20 to $30 a pair, not including shipping. And those are the cheap ones. Chris finally found another kind that are better quality and supposedly last longer and they are $40 a pair, not including shipping. So. Big Sigh. So 1 pair for the price of 2.
I know that I will find plenty of things to laugh and smile about later, but the great thing about writing is that once it's on the page, it's out. Almost like living next door to your mom or your best friend. You go and blast it all out to them and then it's out. It's gone. And you feel better. So now that I've gotten all that out, I guess I'm not so blue any more. Maybe a nice robin's egg blue instead of navy. Definitely better because Erin is standing next to the desk chair, blowing raspberries on my leg. :)
:( Sorry to hear the news. Seriously.
And sorry your days have been horrible. My heart goes out for you & I wish there was something I could do. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you out.
Boo on pee-pee everywhere & bumped baby heads & unknown laundry issues. My hubs doesn't even want me to do his laundry since I don't split it out & all... serves me fine! :)
Love you girl & thinking about you!
I'm so glad you didn't stay blue long. Orange is a much nicer color. :P
You sound like the family in 'Face the Giants'. So Mandi...what can't God do?
I'm just kidding. Just remember to praise Him when the dishes are clean, and to praise Him when there is pee on the floor. :)
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