Is my Gramma a hottie or what? She looks exactly the same, except she doesn't have that shirt any more and she doesn't poof her hair up as much. And in case she doesn't like this one, it isn't half as good as the one of her in her robe on the couch, looking like she just got up. Maybe because I didn't put that one up, I won't be in the dog house so much.
This is my Grampa. What a hunk! It looks like he has a ring box in his hand. He is in front of what looks like a Vitamin store, but since I recognize that rug on the wall in the background, this might have been during the 'selling vitamins' phase. Love the stuffed duck, too. Nobody has stuffed ducks anymore.
Also note that I could have put the one up of Grampa in his swim trunks by the pool, but alas, I did not.
This is my mom at Christmastime. Ian laughed really hard and I don't think he believed me when I told him it was Gramma. I think this was taken in 1979, just from looking at the curtains in the background. That and the fact that these were before the pregnancy photos and I was born in August. Logic, my dear Watson. And just to show that I'm not really making fun of her glasses too much.....
This is me on the swingset. I think I was 2. Maybe 3. But boy was I cool. C-O-O-L in my giant shades. Ian really laughed hard at this one. He said I was silly, but I wasn't. I was so so cool.
This is a picture of me. Pay no attention to the hot miserable pregnant woman. Pay attention to the bump because in another week or two, I will be liberated! Again, Mom, in case you are tempted to be shocked and embarrassed at the fact that I posted this, there is another one of you sunbathing showing your bare (and very large) pregnant belly that I could have put up but didn't. :)
See what came from that bump? Arent I cute? No, I'm pouting because someone asked me to do something unfair. And because they told me that my shoes didn't go with my tights. But wait! This was July of 1982. Things were different then. And wow. I don't remember our carpets ever being that color. Just think, it only took 3 kids 5 years to turn that carpet black.
Here we go. This is exactly how cute I was. I'm not pouting and I'm outside in my favorite baby swing. This is where Ian kept saying, "Awwww. It's baby sister." But it's not. It's ME! So everyone who says that the kids both look like Chris should read this blog. Because right now, she looks like me and I will revel in it. I'm not sure whose leg that is, by the way, but there are other shots with my great-grandmother.
*I am also proud to note that my baby girl got her cute little dumpling shape from me as well, for all those people who say her legs look like ham bones. Ha! That's Miss Ham Bone to you, mister! And smile when you say that!
Ah. I might be in trouble for this one. The hair, the glasses, the facial expression. Clearly, my mom was having a great time. It was a tire swing, after all and my brothers were climbing the tree like monkeys. She looks like she was hanging on for dear life. Actually, she looks like she's afraid of falling off. Another thing about the women in our family, they are not afraid to try new hairstyles. One day I will have a very interesting array of photographs for my kids to laugh at too.
But that's okay. If I'm in trouble, I'll just have a little time out. But with that cute face, I won't be there for long. ;)
...it cut off the rest of my comment...
well, you get the idea anyway....
SOMEONE is in big trouble, that's for sure! :D
My favorite is the last one. And I see Ian in that face by the way. :P
Thanks for the trip down memory lane. It was fun for me too. It's okay, Ian. We all laugh at some of these photos for sure.
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