The final week of “Catch the Reading Bug” started out scaly, prickly and not-so-stinky as Critter Tales, Inc came to Westville with some special animals. Since Ms. Jennifer didn’t have any pet bugs on hand, she brought animals that ate bugs instead. Children sat wide-eyed as a smooth blue-tongued skink was passed around, followed by Cactus the hedgehog, who was in a good mood and kept his prickles in check. But the “oohs” and “aahs” began when two sleepy sugar gliders were woken up. Ms. Jennifer explained how mother sugar gliders keep their young in a pouch in their tummy. She also told everyone that there was a baby in there and that its name was Jellybean. To her surprise, when she looked in the carrier, there were two babies roaming around. She quickly went around the room, showing everyone the two babies before they could scoot back into the safety of the mother’s pouch. It was decided that the new baby’s name would be Cinnamon. For the big finish, everyone got to pet a skunk. Don’t worry, it had its stinkers taken out, and everyone was sure to wash afterward.
On Wednesday, Kevin Wade and his daughter Lexie came to astound us with magic tricks, card tricks and one astounding game of magic musical chairs. One preschooler in particular could not stop talking about the large fly Mr. Wade pulled out of his ear. “There was a bug in there!” he exclaimed excitedly to everyone who would listen. Lexie, a marvelous young performer, was a veritable encyclopedia of bug facts and performed a number of tricks herself. One of the best tricks was when Mr. Wade showed youngsters how to do their own magic trick with a handkerchief and an artificial egg. After he had explained the trick, he showed everyone how he had stuffed the handkerchief into a hole in the egg only to peel the hole off and break the egg into a glass! How did he do that? Even the skeptics have no clue. For those who want to know more about Mr. Wade and visit his online store, go to http://www.magiciankevinwade.com/ for more information.
On the last day of entertainment, Ryan O’Brien (with son Christian and new puppeteer Erick) returned with his Big Magic Book and an amazing array of electronics. In this adventure, the evil Safilthia Rottensocks had shrunk everyone, including herself, to the size of bugs! Dr. Whizbang needed our help! Using a telescope and a very special video screen, we were able to find our friends and save the day, with lots of jokes, dancing and hilarious capers along the way. Congratulations to the O’Brien family as they welcomed baby Charlie this past year.
The special programs may be over, but keep reading! The deadline for turning in reading logs is July 24. Make sure to have your name in the bug catcher for the drawing. You just might win a spectacular prize.
Attention teenagers! There’s more to come at the library and it’s just for you! July 14-18 will feature special entertainment appropriate for youth ages 13-17.
Special movie days will also be on July 10, 17 and 24, again, appropriate for youth ages 13-17. Movies will be at 10am. Movie titles will be posted on the library door. The summer’s not over yet! It’s never too late to “Catch the Reading Bug!”
On Wednesday, Kevin Wade and his daughter Lexie came to astound us with magic tricks, card tricks and one astounding game of magic musical chairs. One preschooler in particular could not stop talking about the large fly Mr. Wade pulled out of his ear. “There was a bug in there!” he exclaimed excitedly to everyone who would listen. Lexie, a marvelous young performer, was a veritable encyclopedia of bug facts and performed a number of tricks herself. One of the best tricks was when Mr. Wade showed youngsters how to do their own magic trick with a handkerchief and an artificial egg. After he had explained the trick, he showed everyone how he had stuffed the handkerchief into a hole in the egg only to peel the hole off and break the egg into a glass! How did he do that? Even the skeptics have no clue. For those who want to know more about Mr. Wade and visit his online store, go to http://www.magiciankevinwade.com/ for more information.
On the last day of entertainment, Ryan O’Brien (with son Christian and new puppeteer Erick) returned with his Big Magic Book and an amazing array of electronics. In this adventure, the evil Safilthia Rottensocks had shrunk everyone, including herself, to the size of bugs! Dr. Whizbang needed our help! Using a telescope and a very special video screen, we were able to find our friends and save the day, with lots of jokes, dancing and hilarious capers along the way. Congratulations to the O’Brien family as they welcomed baby Charlie this past year.
The special programs may be over, but keep reading! The deadline for turning in reading logs is July 24. Make sure to have your name in the bug catcher for the drawing. You just might win a spectacular prize.
Attention teenagers! There’s more to come at the library and it’s just for you! July 14-18 will feature special entertainment appropriate for youth ages 13-17.
Special movie days will also be on July 10, 17 and 24, again, appropriate for youth ages 13-17. Movies will be at 10am. Movie titles will be posted on the library door. The summer’s not over yet! It’s never too late to “Catch the Reading Bug!”
Oh, the picture. That's me, still doing the Hokey Pokey. You can clearly see Ian, begging Chris to take him far, far away from me. You can also see the boy on the other side of me, smiling (*laughing*)at me. He is another cop's kid, who has just decided that he doesn't want to come to our house after all.
*If you want a closer look at the pics here and in the post before this one, click on it! It gets bigger! If you try really hard, you can learn something new every day....har har har.
And no, I am not the one who dressed Ian that day. I would never let him wear socks and sandals together! It must be a guy thing. ;)