Certain things make the most sense when you are young. Say 3. For instance, if there are t-shirts, how come there aren't any t-pants?? Sometimes you just don't feel like wearing your pj shorts and only t-pants will do.
Another question is this. Did Daddy REALLY eat my belly button?
Other things are just facts. Twisty straws are SO much better than the straight ones. Unless you're at McDonalds.
That leads to the next fact. McDonalds french fries are the best. Not even Mimi can make better fries. Mommy sure has tried though.
Some things you find out by trial and error when you are three. Wet Nerds that fall into your car seat can and will stick to your butt when you get out of the car.
Boots go with everything.
Matching socks are just not that important.
Cracks in couch cushions are just waiting to eat little boys.
Vitamins taste great until you get too old for the gummy or chewable ones.
There's no such thing as too much candy.
Forks are always optional.
So are clothes.
Older brothers exist to grudgingly share toys with little sisters and also serve as built in stand-up comedians when she's in the mood to laugh.
Splashing other people is way more fun than getting splashed.
So is hitting.
It is never too cold or too hot to swim.
Everything sounds funny when Daddy sings.
Bedtime gets earlier every night, I just know it.
Every package in the mail is secretly for me.

Moving to Florida will happen when I see it; then we'll live on the beach with sharks and alligators and I will swim every day and ride boats and see all my family whenever I want.
One day the nice lady will come back and we'll sell the house today.
Little sisters are noisy.
Mommy has a big bottom and I tell her every time I see it. I haven't seen it in a while, though.
Did I mention that bedtime gets earlier every night?
Papaw & I both are wearing our T-Pants right now. Where have you been? tee hee
T-pants are my faaaaavorite!
I also like T-bags, T-rex, T-Vision, T-pees, and of course, T-Paper...
I think Ian is T-riffic!
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