Well, I caught the cold that everyone else has had and am very coughy and runny (no Blue Beast for me, thank the Lord) and bleary-eyed.
But we got our waffle iron yesterday from UPS. While I was racing around the house trying to find some pants (hey, it was early!), Ian calmly opened the door, received the package, said "Thank You!" and brought it to me, wildly flailing about in my room trying to stuff both my legs in the same leg hole with no success. Baffled, I looked at Ian with the box in his hands and then looked out the window to see the back side of the UPS truck as it drove away. Uh...okay. So we have our waffle iron and this morning, fever or no fever, we had waffles! And just to be clear about this, Ian ate 3. I made a bit of a mess, since this is the first time I've used one of these (just the one at CCC in Cathcart and those waffles are huge). But we are slowly making our way through our 2 half gallons of Mrs Butterworth that we got from Sam's.
For house selling news, we are still trying to keep the house clean just in case Coldwell Banker calls about showings. Chris and I joked last night that we would have 2 showings on the day when I was the sickest and didn't feel like doing anything. We'll see. I feel somewhat better after showering. Good thing, because tonight is our group trip to Golden Corral in Fayetteville and I need to be able to eat my money's worth. :) Gotta review my spanish though, because all the grillmasters and buffet workers there are spanish and you need to know how to convey medium, rare, etc or you'll get a rubbery, overdone steak.
For our neighborhood excitement for the week, the next door neighbor's pitbull snapped his line again and had some sort of altercation with the trash guy. So Chris was summoned and almost got to tase the dog (which is better than the family getting sued for the dog messing someone up), but the dog was picked up by animal control before he got to. Ms Geraldine, the old lady across the street, called to tell me about it, since Chris had to leave to deal with an accident involving a Rent-a-Center truck backing up over someone's car. Ms Geraldine told me first that the dog bit the trash guy, but changed it to "he like ta bit that trash man" so I wasn't sure what exactly had happened. This isn't the first time the dog has snapped his line and he is very territorial, as we have found because we live next door. Eek.
We also got Buddy's Frontline and I'm excited about having a flea-free dog, since he will be in the Jeep with us on the trip down to FL. And he will then be outside at whoever's house, so flea-free is a great thing, with spring/summer coming on.
Well, we've got errands to do today. The usual bank, post office, KK's (Kwik Kountry) for gas, the library if the books I ordered are in, etc. I told Chris last night at bedtime that if we move too soon, I'll have to cancel all my book requests (sob, sob!). He didn't look very disturbed or concerned by this announcement. I don't see how he can be so unfeeling. I've been waiting since December for a couple of these books, since I'm #2 in the queue. Hmph. But that's okay, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Oh, and yesterday, while Chris was serving warrants, one of those interesting citizens, reeking of interesting odors, asked Chris if our house really was "fer sell." Chris told him that it was. "So where ya movin' to next then?" "Florida!" That got his attention. "Really now?" Chris assured him. "Yes, as soon as our house sells, you won't have to deal with me any more." The man practically jumped into Chris's arms. "I KNOW SOMEONE WHO'S LOOKIN' FER A HOUSE!" he shouted. "Well, we've got a sign out front with a number on it," Chris told him. Chris is very confident that the house will sell soon, even if all the dopers get together and everyone puts 1,000 bucks in. I am very amused by this prospect and we are waiting to see what will happen.
There's always the joked about option of putting a jar in the local gas stations "Help Goforth Move!"
Imagine that...I just put a link in my sidebar to this site, went to check if it worked, and lo and behold, a new post...Granna Hatfield sends her love, she adored that picture you sent of Erin...be praying for her, she fell off a step stool and broke her wrist, had surgery already, and is in some sort of monstrous contraption for up to six weeks...she said she is praying about the move, for it to be soon and safe...
I want some waffles!
Hope you're feeling better today.
What you really need is some of Gramma's chicken soup. That would make you aaaaall better!
BTW...I'm sending you a container for the "Help Goforth Move!" drive.
Mmm, guess what I'm making tomorrow morning?!
After your post + coworkers baking waffles in the building, I had to cave it. It's destiny, I tell ya!
Loved chatting with you last night... we must do it more often! ;)
Have a wonderful night, hope you're feeling better!
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