Well, after logging everyone else's sicknesses so faithfully, I have been very lax in cataloguing my own. Oh well. It's been quite some time since I've had a 102 fever, painful cough and enough phlegm (don't you love the way that's spelled?) to....well, I'll spare you the gross word pictures. I am very happy to report that the fever only lasted for one night and the next day. Yesterday and today has been simply the aftereffects of a yucky cold. Just in time for Erin to be fever (again!) and start hacking, poor widdle munchie. But she slept pretty good last night, so that's good. Chris has been great, letting me get extra rest and running herd on our herd (Ian is active enough to be plural). His shift from 3-11 is starting to show some deja vu because he either gets home hours late or gets called out to assist. The guy who has the night shift is uncertified and uncertain.
But I forgot to mention before that I finally got some guts and shot Chris's handgun (.45 Glock) at Jeremy's house last weekend. I only shot 4 bullets, but it was definitely an experience. Can we say recoil? There's a lot of power in that little thing and definitely not something to mess around with. I managed to hit the target too and I have to admit, it's a whole lot harder to aim with a stubby gun than it is for a .22, which is just way too much fun to shoot for target practice. I am not a great fan of handguns, but we still have one in the house (and chill out everyone, it's not like we let the kids play with it!) and I feel better knowing as much about it as possible. The hardest part about it though, was the fact that I'm left-handed and everyone else is right-handed, so I felt unbalanced and a little awkward, but that also could have been the newness factor. Anyway, it was exciting to me and Chris, so there. :)
But I forgot to mention before that I finally got some guts and shot Chris's handgun (.45 Glock) at Jeremy's house last weekend. I only shot 4 bullets, but it was definitely an experience. Can we say recoil? There's a lot of power in that little thing and definitely not something to mess around with. I managed to hit the target too and I have to admit, it's a whole lot harder to aim with a stubby gun than it is for a .22, which is just way too much fun to shoot for target practice. I am not a great fan of handguns, but we still have one in the house (and chill out everyone, it's not like we let the kids play with it!) and I feel better knowing as much about it as possible. The hardest part about it though, was the fact that I'm left-handed and everyone else is right-handed, so I felt unbalanced and a little awkward, but that also could have been the newness factor. Anyway, it was exciting to me and Chris, so there. :)

This time I think I'll mix in some garlic or seasoning in the crust. Cooking is so much fun, except for those times when things just flop and everyone has to eat sandwhiches. But we won't mention those much.
Ian has just joyfully announced that he pottied in his potty chair. I went in there to look and along with a whole lot of splattered pee (Why won't he sit to pee on that thing?!) there is the tiniest little splat of poop I have seen in ages sitting in there. But a bargain's a bargain, so Ian is now kicking up his heels because he gets to play video games for the first time in weeks. Fingers are tightly crossed in hopes that when he decides to finish the rest of his potty time, it will be sitting on the chair (it has been cleaned and rinsed and is now dismantled and drying in the tub).

Ian is asking for toast. I'd better get on it before Erin wakes up.
at the risk of breaking blogger code .... sandwhiches?
Glad you're feeling better. Hope everyone is well soon.
Yay Ian! Keep working on it sweetheart, you can do it.
Toast at 10:47 pm ???
yeah! Mans shot a handgun!! I always knew you had it in you...pretty soon your probably going to like it..ha :-)
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