Since it's been warmer out, our attentions have turned to beautifying the yard. We want it to sell! Landscaping is one of the things to do to help your house sell. Our roses have redbuds all over them and I am so excited that they are going to bloom like nuts! The one rosebush is the one that Chris gave me when we were dating and has gorgeous purply-pink blooms on them (I think...). It has not bloomed since we moved to Oklahoma. It doesn't like it here and demands to be returned to the South. Our other rosebush is one that we sort of brought with us when we moved from the other house. We had to dig it up when the kennel concrete was put in and since it was out of the ground, we made its new house here. We will be leaving it when we move because we don't think it will like Florida. I've heard that Rosebushes are picky that way.
Anyway, we got some flower seeds and some cubes of petunias and pansies to plant in the front yard. We made a little bed on the side of the driveway and planted a bunch of marigold seeds that my Grampa sent to us from his very own flowers. He gets seeds from his own flowers, isn't that cool? He knows "jez about ever-thang they is to know 'bout the [gardening] bidness." As opposed to the shrimping bidness. Okay, Forrest Gump moment. Anyway, you should see his yard. It's hard to remember his grass and then look at ours. His was green.

Well, Ian has now moved to real underwear, with Pull-ups at night only. This has been a very messy transition, but if he can't tell that he's wet in the Pull-ups, they are just expensive diapers, aren't they? Too expensive.
So we bought two more packages of underwear (Thomas and Cars) and we are in business. Good thing we have lots of pants and I always have laundry to do. We are praying fervently that this will work! There is no way that I will let him remain unpottytrained (long word) when he is 4!

Well, we have company! Wow! And it's not Jehovah's Witness, they just left. Brad and Marcie are here so Chris can give them the "Buy our house" spiel...again.
Cat food? Eek indeed! You know you're hungry when ..... Ewww
Anyway, yes! Sell house Sell!!!
I agree... the commercials for cat food do make you want it. And some of the dog food commercials when the man is fake-sweetly talking to his dog. At least we can eat chocolate...
I hope the speal worked! I LOVE the bunny ear pics, too! :)
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