Poor baby doll had a doctor's appointment today. Her six month checkup, accompanied by 4 shots and one oral Rotavirus vaccine. Even though it's late in the season, one of those shots was a flu vaccine. We go back in 4 weeks to get the booster for that one. But she's a big girl and happy. We go back to see an actual doctor (there's just a PA-C) next week due to some concern about the size of her head and her length, since her growth curve is not as nicely curved as it should be, but the PA sort of assured us that it might be normal for her but he just wants to be sure. I don't care, she's gorgeous and I'm trying not to be freaked out that something is wrong, even though I know that nothing is. I guess it's just one of the side effects of parenthood. But here's a gorgeous pic of our poor little BabyNoodle (who is currently dealing with shot holes in her thighs). She is trying to sleep it off in the swing right now, but might require some pampering and sustenance first. After all, we did interrupt her beauty sleep to haul her into the doc's at 8:30 this morning. We didn't get home until after 10, so it took forever! Mostly we were just sitting in the little patient room, holding a baby who was not happy with being stripped down to her diaper in
that chilly room. We put her onesie back on anyway and they didn't say anything. It was Cold in there! All frosty and frozen outside....sheesh!
(We love this pic here, Chris has it on his phone...)
On a more exciting note, we have started to spend some of our tax refund. Got our state refund yesterday and headed to Walmart to get Ian his very own nifty swifty potty chair, since the potty training efforts have been abandoned since he tried to sit too vigorously on the big toilet and fell in. So there is a pretty neat one sitting in our bathroom that he seems excited about. There's a roll thingy to hold a roll of toilet paper and a little compartment on the back for the wet wipes. The only thing that's missing is a magazine rack. Ian thinks it's broken because it doesn't flush, but who cares? He actually peed in it this morning, a cause for much celebration.
Chris also got an mp3 player. Not an ipod, just a cheesy little (neat!) mp3 player as well as a thing that enables you to listen to it through your car speakers. He was up late last night putting songs on it. We just can't figure out how to delete the retarded sample songs that came on it (that and the Brady Bunch theme song that I put on Windows Media Player as a laugh and accidently got put on his play list and shows up as number 3. Chris REALLY wants to figure out how to delete it. That and the theme song from Cheers.). That will also be a cause for celebration.
Erin got a neat little lights/motion/sounds soother thing to put in the crib since she absolutely hates the mobile that Ian couldn't live without when he was a baby. Erin really dislikes that mobile. I guess the frog and the monkey look sinister or insulting or something, but they are now gone. She stayed in the crib for over half an hour last night playing with that new rainforest lights and sounds thing. It really is neat.
Well, Erin is requiring my attention and I have dishes to do.....Gotta love domesticity.
My poor little baby girl. You make sure you give her plenty of loving and soothing for Gramma and Papaw! The pictures are great!
Yay, Ian! Gramma and Papaw are so very proud of you!
Oh, and I think it's hysterical about the Brady Bunch song, Chris! :D An alternative to the retarded bluejay from Florida! Ha!
We love you all!
Poor widdle thing... four shots!? That sucks!
You never mentioned what YOU got? Some clothes, your own mp3 player, what?
Glad you already got one of the refunds back & can't wait to hear more about the house going on the market!
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