Yep, there comes a time when the day after starts getting hazy, like trying to look through heat waves on asphalt and the world around you just starts to look all wavy-looking and it's time to sit in the shade for a while. After 2.4 hours of sleep, it's the night after and it's time for me to sit down. The morning was rocky, since Ian got up at 7am and was very bright-eyed, as he usually is. Erin still woke up about every hour, crying and straining and gassing up a storm. She had three potty diapers today (none loose, so that's good)* and finally stopped crying so much when we went to the park. She snoozed while I wheeled the stroller around the track as much as Ian would let me without having to go rescue him from the top bar of the jungle gym and help him go down the 'fire pole.' It was very chilly, even though the sun was shining and I was ready to go way before Ian was, but he was such a good boy this morning while Mommy zombied about and Daddy mimed being awake before taking the baby and snoring with her in the chair (it was so cute I had to go lie down). Ian played video games and played trains by himself, probably happy for the uninterrupted play time (you know how Moms like to nag when you're just getting to the good part of your book, game, video game, movie, train track, car ramp, etc.). Anyway, since it wasn't too awfully bad outside (the sun was shining! We who are not in Florida salute the sun whenever it comes out!), we went to the park. Anything to get Erin to stop crying and catch up on her beauty sleep. She did not want any food today that was not milk, even though I tried.
The bonus part of the day came when I was in the shower, trying to remember if I had shampooed my hair or not and the phone rang. It was our real estate agent, giving us an update. From what Chris told me, when the agents do a company walk-through, they bring a checklist and afterwards tell the seller what they can do to improve the house to sell faster. Our house made it through with flying colors with only one infraction and all agreed that the house was well priced and expected to not be on the market long (HOO Ha!). Our improvement was that the laundry room/possible 3rd bedroom/Ian's train room was drafty and there was condensation on the sliding glass doors. Therefore it was decreed that we should put real doors there instead of the sliders for better insulation. I agree, but we are not about to fork over 5 or 6 hundred smackeroos when it's going to sell anyway. I don't like the sliders either because they freeze shut and lock behind you when you shut the door (see previous post for eye-rolling details), but oh well. Our agent also told us that she has had 4 calls to inquire about our house from the sign out front as well as one person from out of state contact her after seeing it online who is interested in seeing it [or just buy it and pay us an extra $15,000 to be out in ten days; what movie was that from? Father of the Bride II. hahahahahahahahaha. Ok, getting tired) in the next week or two. Either way, she said to expect more showings (that doesn't sound right) in the next week or so.
Chris is having me check our bank account daily (hourly, minutely (I know that's not right. I'm not THAT tired, but it just sounded funny), whatever) to see whether or not his Florida Dept of Law Enforcement (FDLE) application to transfer his academy time to FL has been processed. We figure that they'll cash the check before they do anything else and I guess someone's on vacation or something because it's probably still sitting in somebody's inbox (or worse, still sitting in the Westville Post Office underneath something) begging to be opened. Now, I know, I know, they tell you to give them 6 weeks for processing, but come on! It's been almost two weeks already. Chris is excited and worried that he went to the one academy in the known world that doesn't transfer. Silly.
Regardless, he is still having me check the post office every day without fail, a sure sign that he is excited, because if it were up to him, he would check it once a week and the mail would be stuffed in the box like intestines are stuffed in the body, once you get them out, it's about impossible to get them all back in* (we tried in A & P lab, didn't we Rachel?). We have decided that at our new house in FL, we really would like to have a mailbox. Really.
For Papaw's amusement, Ian compensated for not being able to pee in the Walmart bathroom drain by peeing in the bathtub drain today while I was rinsing out the tub before bathtime. He was very pr
oud of himself. He also made an attempt to sit on the toilet without his little potty seat, where he tried for a couple of seconds before grunting and announcing "I can't do it like this," and running out of the bathroom naked. The naked part didn't have anything to do with his potty preferences, he just likes to be aired out every once in a while, probably more so when it gets warmer. He is discovering the changes in his body parts due to changes in temperature and it is so much fun to relay these incidents to Chris later. It really gives us some good laughs. Can't help it if your kid is just so cute, can ya?

Anyway, back to the Baby Noodle. After the park, she conked out in the swing (after crying some more) and slept for more than 4 hours. I woke her up around 8:30 so she could eat (I was about to explode*...yikes) and then she was awake, sort of. She enjoyed having her diaper changed and really whooped it up in the tub. But I think her cold hit another stage because she is all red-eyed and bleary and just looks hung over (again, my concept of hangovers is completely general, since I have never had one and try to avoid others who do due to their sensitive natures during that time). After her bath, which was refreshing (those Soothing Vapors) but again, the bubbles just taste gross, because she kind of made a face and spit them out and didn't try them again (and yes, I did clean the tub thoroughly when Ian was finished, thank you very much). Then it was PJ time and hairbrushing time and feeding time some more (we had a lot there to consume) and then it was full bellytime. Kind of like puppies or kittens with their big full bellies taking a nap in a sunbeam except she was on my lap and lolling around all limp and sleepy. No wailing, I enjoyed it.

Yay! I thought. Chris gets off at 10. Well, around 10:20 he comes in and tells me that Berry (who went to work today) took a huge dump in the back of the patrol car (Berry is now grounded for a couple of days, at least) and it stunk so bad that both Chris and his rider were gagging and heaving. The situation was so desperate that Chris actually floored it and beat the train across the tracks in his rush to get home and hose out the backseat. Even after he had hosed out the dog cage, it Still Reeked. Berry is known for his intestinal problems. Chris came in still breathing deep through his nose, told me that his rider had suddenly remember other things he had to do, and grabbed the Febreeze air freshener and will probably empty the entire bottle in the car. This is one of those times you think, "better him than me!" and then feel bad for thinking it because you know that as soon as you start getting smug, one of the kids will take a dump on the floor and you'll be left to clean it up alone. But okay, I know I'm starting to get punchy. Thanks to everyone who have been praying for the kids (and me). We are on the mend! We have to be. I can't think anything else. Zzzz.
*This is where I put the disclaimer that not much grosses me out, so I will and do talk freely about various bodily functions and patterns. Apologies to the faint of heart.
A very eventful day indeed. I hope you got a good nights rest after all of that.
Thanks for the smiles and other facial exercises due to the expressions which undoubtedly come from sharing your experiences so freely expressed. :P
Thank you Lord God for selling this house expediently for the asking price (or above! :D) and for Chris' transfer being accepted. This is our plea, yet we will praise You no matter the outcome. Amen
Hope the fuzz has cleared (legs and all!)
I love it! Yes, Papaw was amused...oh, and...Go Berry Go!
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