It was late Saturday night and all through the house,
only Ian was stirring, watching Mickey Mouse.
Erin and I were nestled all snug in the bed, with a cute little paperback inches from my head.
And Chris in his cop car and ice on the ground, I was wondering if another blanket could be found.
When out from the yard there arose such a racket, I sprang from my bed, forgetting my jacket. And what to my wondering ears do I hear, but Buddy barking madly. What did he fear?
I ran to the back door, past the couch like a flash, tried to slide the door open but the ice held it fast.
The barking continued, I called my cop. Stay inside he ordered, I'll come make it stop.
Okay, I'll quit with the prose, but admit it, you were excessively diverted.
Anyway, if you're wondering what happened, Chris drove up and I went outside in my nightgown and slippers, wrapped in a throw. He and his rider got out (luckily it was a friend) and Chris went to the side of the house to see what Buddy was growling and howling at. It was a fluffy spitting cat. Chris jumped the fence and chased him out and the cat and Buddy went tearing around the yard. Google (the rider) and I went around to the gate to head the cat off. There was an altercation with Buddy and the cat on the far side of the house, in which Berry is released and goes loping past the whole thing. In other words, if there ain't no dope, you're on your own, Buddy. (Berry is Chris's drug dog and too well trained to chase felines.) Buddy sustained some mild injuries from the altercation, but then again, he did grab the cat by the head and launch him a few yards, just not high enough to clear the 6 foot fence. The cat let gravity take over and used his chance to streak to the porch. Google cornered him on the porch. The cat broke our front porch light fixture and scared himself back into the rose bush where he met more of Buddy. After two more attempts, the cat found an opening and took off past Google and past me (I thought for a moment he would seek refuge up my nightgown and yelped rather loudly, but that only served to make the cat run faster).
Buddy was patted over loudly and rubbed hard, declared the victor and got his bloody nose wiped off. I snuck him some bacon treats after Chris and Google left. What a good dog! He's so ferocious now that he's an outside dog! And he's lost weight too!!! Woo hoo! At least one of us has.
And that's the action from our house. At least for now. And Ian's stuffy nose and the distribution of nose juice....but that's another story.
So that's what you do in Westville on a Saturday night for excitement! tee hee
By the way, i enjoyed the prose. :D
Love the prose... I feel so snooty & fancy saying "prose". But, I loved it. Had to read it out loud to Nick. Which I usually do for any of your blogs I read while Nick is around!
Also, I will probably send the other Kodak camera to you. If that's okay? Apparently, Nick already told me he was claiming the other one for his field date. Hmmm... don't remember that & apparently he doesn't remember me informing him of my intention to mail it to you. However, this will be cheaper to function since it requires 2 AAs. It's kind of my baby, so I'm definitely biased. I loved it. It will serve you well.
Love ya, girl.
How's the tax return coming? ;) Mine's ready to be filed...
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