Well, the war of the fleas continues. Part 3 of the Flea War started today when we let off Bug Bomb #3 and headed off to Fayetteville to pass away the time. Chris had the day off for sick time because he had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. Now we just have three more to go. Two of the three left in his mouth are fractured. The one that was pulled actually came out in pieces. It had a nerve showing, thus the pain from my caramel apple pie and everything else he ate after that....whoops. So he was banned from work for 2 days and was 'forced' to use some of his accumulated sick time....hence the 4 day weekend and Chris not being able to drink from a straw. It almost made me glad that I had my wisdom teeth removed while unconscious. Especially when I saw the copious amounts of blood that Chris kept spitting up. I found him a teabag to jam in there to stop the bleeding after the 6th or 7th gauze pad was hocked out sopping. Well, the teabag was too big (picky) and gagged him. Well, all I had left was my little mini teabags of spearmint tea, so in it went and the bleeding stopped (magically, I'm sure, because Chris didn't like the taste). Anyway, we decided to go on a relaxing trip to Fayetteville (relaxing for Chris: I had to drive) while the bug bomb raged. This time we got 2 packages of bug bomb.
We had decided to go see the new Veggie Tales movie for Ian, but there was the inevitable baby issue, the cost issue for all of us to go, especially if one of us had to keep leaving with the baby, and the fact that we didn't know how to get to the movie theater and we would have to wait 2 hours for the next one to start even if we did find it. So we moved to Plan B: Food!
We decided to brave Golden Corral with the kids and it was Mmm Mmm Good! Can anyone else taste the warm, yeasty rolls, where the steam breaks out as you bite into it?? And the honey butter they give with it??? And the sweet tea! Oh yes, folks. Mandi hit the buffet. And what was that? It's 3:53? And the steak breaks out at 4? Mandi had some steak too. Oh Yeah.
After dinner and dessert, in which Ian smooshed a bunch of M&Ms into a really delectable piece of gooey chocolate cake and then pulverized it all with his fork, eating a bite or two but mostly just mangling it, Chris decided to try Ian out with his first ice cream cone. Well, Ian slipped off of his chair after a few licks, nibbles and brain freezes, and smashed his cone all along the side of his face and onto his collar. The look on his face was priceless, but it took a long time to get him unsticky. After that he didn't want any more ice cream. :)
Then we hit Old Navy because there were huge 75% off signs in the windows. I love Old Navy sales. Then we hit Target (was this a good day or what?) to walk around and look. Then an unsuccessful trip to Lowe's. Tomorrow is probably going to consist of another visit to our local Lowe's for partition doors to our laundry room. If the house is going to sell for good $$, we've got to whip it into shape...and whip it good.
Back to the part about the title (Back Seat Driver), that would be Ian. I don't know how other kids usually are when they are riding in their car seat in the back on the passenger side, but Ian is intensely concerned about my driving skills. He wants to "catch" the truck 1/2 a mile in front of us. I must go faster if we are to do this. He doesn't want to wait for our turn at the red light or 4-way stop, he wants to go now. "Green light!" "Oh no! Red light! Stop! Stop! Stop!" When he is tired of straining his eyes to see ahead of us, he starts looking to the side, trying to see the bit of road visible out of his window. "Oh no, Mommy! Don't hit the tree [insert: cone, hole, puddle, other car, stop sign, curb, bank drive-in, etc]!" I spend most of my driving time tense from the screeches of "Oh no!" something-or-other coming from the back seat. Chris thinks this is grossly amusing. It just makes me nervous. What will I do if Erin turns out to be the same way??? I guess it will be time for the full-time car DVD player.
HeeHee... I think I'd have to have him on the DVD player with blinders. Well, maybe blinders plus dark shades! :)
Trip to Fayetteville sounds nice! I'm glad you got to hit Golden Corral (those rolls sound so good right now... I don't even need the honey butter... regular butter will do just fine), Target (too hard to go when I don't have moola), AND Old Navy (yes, my fave, too. Although, I didn't find anything for me, but a couple of small gifts & a frisbee for Sydney weekend before last.) How much fun will it be when we hit Old Navy together? Here it's right beside Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Michaels, & the bigger mall. Well, the other one is in the other mall... so either one would be fine with me! ;)
Good luck at Lowes (or was it Home Depot?) today!
Miss ya & Love ya!
Looking at the picture, you indeed look stressed. However, to suggest that my precious grandson could possibly cause this with simple driving suggestions is completely absurd! I'm sure after you pause and calmly think about it you will realize the value of his suggestions. :D
Glad you enjoyed your meal anyway. We also went to Golden Corral this week. Sunday night actually.
Love and Miss You All!!!
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