I would just like to take the time to officially announce to God and the world that I have the best husband in the universe. He works the evening/night shift as a police officer in our tiny town. We had an appointment in town today and he didn't want me to go alone with the kids so he roused himself out of the bed and went with me. He let me go into the appointment alone and kept the kids in the car. It lasted almost an hour. He went to Wal-Mart afterwards (he would rather have his toenails removed without anesthesia than go into Walmart) with us and strolled with me as I looked. There was a problem with Ian's chocolate milk (it didn't have a bar c0de on it) so I had to wait in the line for help and keep waiting as the employees had to do who knows what to figure out the problem. Half an hour later, he picked me up almost at the door as I exited. He took me to the library and let me go in there alone as well. Our kids are 3 and 5 months. They are not thrilled to be patient and stay in the car. The most amazing thing is that Chris did all this while he was tired!!!! When we got home, he had a little down time then put a million pieces of track together for Ian to play trains and played TickleBug with Erin so I could clean up the kitchen. Thank you Lord for giving me this amazing man!! I know that it's hard to tell those closest to us how much we appreciate them, but now everyone else at least knows how much of my slack that Chris picks up.
As a side note and update to the New Year's post, the bug bomb did not conclude the problem. Tomorrow we are bombing again, with some bigger and hopefully better bombs. If this doesn't work, Buddy may have to be an outside dog. Oh no!
As a side note and update to the New Year's post, the bug bomb did not conclude the problem. Tomorrow we are bombing again, with some bigger and hopefully better bombs. If this doesn't work, Buddy may have to be an outside dog. Oh no!
Awww... sounds so sweet! And nice that you got a day being chauferred & pampered! ;) I will try to check with my friend & see what else she used for the flea issue. Apparently it's a non-toxic treatment you put on the floor & when the fleas jump/land on it, it's like glass shards to them. Kills the adults. Then she mentioned something else for the baby fleas? Glad to hear you're doing well... hope you're staying warm!
Love ya & Miss ya!
Agreed, you do have ONE of the most wonderful husband's in the universe. I know you know who the other ONE is!
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