Yes, sports fans, it is snowing outside. After a miserable and cold, gray winter, it is snowing. The first time in 08 here in our corner of Oklahoma. And my firstborn (including the dogs) are outside, after considerably pleading and coaxing, frolicking in it. Of course, Ian will only stay out long enough to get completely wet and muddy and cold before coming in and telling me that he needs a Coke to "make it all beddah." Previously, I told him that hot chocolate would warm him up and make him feel better but he has changed the text to include his own sneaky wants. He is usually happy with his hot chocolate and marshmallows. Mommy is no pushover. 

We have been waiting for snow forever. We waited all day long and Finally! It's here! It remains to be seen whether or not we will get the forecasted 2-4". But there are some big, fat, gorgeous snowflakes careening steadily, so it looks like it could happen. It never fails to amaze me how beautiful it is. I, in all my worldly travelling and experience, have seen it five? maybe six times? It's mesmerizing to look out at it from your toasty living room (even better when you can sleep in and watch it through your window, but sleeping in is a fuzzy memory around here, kind of like trying to remember a hangover without having earned it with alcohol and that doesn't make any sense. I don't drink, so I have to imagine the hangover and I don't remember my college days very well when I slept in on a regular basis, i.e. as much as possible). If you go outside in your slippers and house clothes you can hear the pitter patter of tiny frozen flakes hitting every surface. Drip, drip, drip. The eaves are dripping onto you, getting dirty wet all over your freshly washed hair, so you take another step and your slippers are coated in wet, crunchy dandruff. This might not be a romantic time to mention yellow snow. So I won't.
But it's so pretty. I am always amazed at it and want to press my nose to the window of the kitchen door to watch it. And with that childish enthusiasm, I agree to let my boy go out and roll in it. Provided, of course that he watches out for the yellow and brown stuff. Ew. There's the call of the wild. We'll see what Erin thinks of the snow now that she is awake.