With much fanfare and celebration, we are so joyful to have a computer again! Talk about withdrawals. After spending months in the library waiting on the slow computers and spending 45 minutes trying to pay 3 bills online, I am beyond relieved to be able to do it at home (and it's so fast!). Now the only problem is that we've managed to fill our time with other things and have to rearrange again to remember to check the email every day.... hope to get our new pictures downloaded and figure out this windows 7, then we'll be back in business for sure. ;)

whoo hoo! first! too bad gramma...!
Oh wait, comment moderation, perhaps I should moderate my excitement and stop counting those chickens before they hatch...?
It might be a "nessessi" (the word verification for this entry)...a sign, perhaps?
second isn't soooo bad! ;D
i'll give you this one papaw.
Welcome back Mandi! We missed you!
I hear choruses of Hallelujah! Hooray the joy overflows to have you back online!!!!
alright already. are you really back in the saddle? how about putting it on the horse and geddy up and go somewhere then! :P
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