Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Ian!

Today is Ian's birthday. He is 5. My HC and I are still reeling from the fact that he can no longer be considered a baby, a toddler, or a preschooler. He is now officially a little boy. Sigh. Tomorrow is Erin's birthday. She will be 2. She is definitely not a baby anymore. Sigh. Our home computer is still dead, so I am at the library. No pictures, obviously, since the library computer doesn't download or anything, but I figured I could at least update our lives. My HC is excited about his new job. He'll be starting it at the beginning of August. He will be receiving all new equipment and a pretty jazzy take-home car. We are very thankful and psyched about how everything is going. He's going to Wagoner next week to try on his uniforms, collect some of his equipment (hopefully the take-home car?) and meet some more people. He'll still be working at the Ranger office on the weekends until things get a little more settled in the job transition department, but he is happy with it, so I guess I am too.
In the meantime, we have a lot to do getting Erin's joint birthday present (from Gramma and Papaw and Great Granna and Great Papaw and from us). It's one of those play kitchens with the dishes and stuff. We got it from Toys R Us yesterday and my HC and I will be assembling it tonight. of those spouse-bonding things, since I am an instructions fanatic and my HC is a slap-it-where-you-think-it-goes type assembler. In August, Gramma and Papaw will come to visit and we are very excited about that. It's something else to count down to, now that the birthdays are upon us. :)
Now I need to scoot because the kids have trashed the library's blocks and puzzles and I have pickles to can and a cake to bake. And it's almost lunchtime, at least from the rate Erin is screeching "Nak!" (snack)
So thanks to everyone who has checked and not found anything new for a while. We feel just as out of touch without our computer. And how in the world is anyone supposed to know the weather?! (that was sarcastic)
So Happy Birthday to my munchkin/urchin/punks. How did time go by so fast?

1 comment:

MrsEvenSo... said...

A happy, happy birthday, to you (Ian), to you (Erin)!! Sighs from us as well, we so can't wait to be there playing with Ian and Erin and loving on them as well. Thanks for the update! MWA!