Friday, January 2, 2009


That's a common sound heard in our house, but you have to say it while skidding across the kitchen floor in your socks, right before you run into someone, something or fall over. Now it is screeched while driving our new (used) race car. At least until you encounter road[yard]-kill. :)


MrsEvenSo... said...

Priceless! I love it! Ian couldn't get Mommy out of the way and get the camera out of his face! :D

Even So... said...

Too cute!

Even So... said...

"This road trip wound up going to the dogs..."

MrsEvenSo... said...

I see .... Ian was making sure you were "filming" his hotrod debut. :P

T said...

That was one of those classic home videos you pull out for graduations and weddings.

Love the sacrificial dog their... he was laying down his life... not sure what for but he was going to do it.

T said...

Yes yes I noticed my spelling error...ugh.