I think the mismatching went rather well, don't you?? And of course we got to school and everyone else had on relatively normal clothes with mismatching socks. Go figure. The teachers had forgotten all about it and hadn't even worn their jeans.
But when we got Ian from school, we discovered Something Important in his folder.
It is his first report card and he didn't care one whit about it. HC got it first and was squinting at the tiny print and rows of skills and the corresponding letter. S = Satisfactory, W = Working on Skill, N = Needs Improvement.
There were 42 skills and only 2 Ns. For scissor using and for gluing/pasting correctly. There were 5 Ws. One of those was for skipping. Poor kid. THAT'S hereditary. Uncle Steven had a hard time skipping. I think it's one of those things he kinda skimmed over all his life, because I haven't seen him skipping since. Ian just said "The girls skip. I run fast." And that's all he had to say about that.
But the teacher left a comment in the comment section and I quote: "Ian is doing great this year. The things that he needs improvement on are due to his later birthday. I wouldn't worry about it; he will get it as he gets older."
There are a lot of kids who are already 5 or turning 5 all year. I'm not worried at all. The longer it takes for him to use scissors, the longer I don't have to worry about impromptu haircuts on dogs or little sisters.
For the ones who mismatch and stay home, we spent our day a little differently.

Erin was climbing where she shouldn't have been.

And making messes.

And I was following, trying to pick up. I'm not going to show an 'after' picture, because not much has changed.
And now I am going to turn the heaters back on. Because after our heat wave that got us up to the 50s today, it will be cooooold tonight. And I'm starting to feel it already.
The caption:
"...and don't you try and stop me, mommy!"
A mismatched Ian is still a cute Ian...
I'm pretty sure that's what Erin was saying. "Erin doesn't WANT to get down!" Or something like that. :) She gets the innocent look when I catch her on top of the dining room table though....
Very cute Ian AND Erin, of course they have good genes so how can they possibly help it? :P
Excellent report card Ian! I agree, girls skip (well.... some girls do), boys run fast! :D
Love ya bunches!
Weird... the teachers didn't wear jeans? I hope they wore something else instead? :)
Glad he's doing so well in all those skills! But, sheesh, he's only FOUR! And they are already GRADING him. Ugh, I don't like that. The closer we get to our kid being in school, the close I get to choosing homeschooling. We haven't chatted about that in a while... what made you decide to not do homeschooling? I know you were pretty decided on that... just wondering.
If I ever get out of nursing school, I think it would be cool to do travel nursing while the kid's litttle & learn about science/history/math/writing in Hawaii or Cali or Colorado... how cool.
Anywho, lots posted here. Adore the pictures of those little ones... and LOL about the "after" pictures not being much different! :)
Wow...the kids really do take after you. During our camp years I think I have seen similar outfits and expressions on you...usually after we kept you up all night :-)
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