Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hope and Disappointment

We started our new year off with a frenzy of house cleaning, in preparation for a much anticipated visit. We called to check up on our visitor late afternoon and were informed that they weren't coming. Nice, huh? We made the necessary emotional adjustments and explanations to Ian and enjoyed our clean house. And wondered what we were supposed to eat, since we had emptied our freezer in anticipation for promised seafood, deer meat and pork to be delivered by the visitor. Oh well. It gives me something to do tomorrow.
We had our black-eyed peas and ham (with rice for my insatiable family; I really miss potatoes!) and went out to pop our poppers. It was cold and fun. Even though I popped my first party popper into my palm. It hurt! Ian thought I was funny, for once. Erin didn't care about the poppers as much as she did the sidewalk chalk. And I think she thought she was doing something naughty because when I went to draw with her, she threw the chalk to one side and ran off. I caught both of them and we drew some before Ian tried to run us over with his bike ("I was running over poppers, Mommy. I not hit you.") We chose life and moved anyway. We burned a little bit of trash and I pushed the kids on the swings. My HC went to work. I installed some child-proof cabinet locks in the bathroom and on the computer desk. Yay.
That was our first day of the new year.
On the hope side of this year, we are hoping with all our might for a new baby announcement. Don't get all het up now, because it's not going to be MY baby. Please keep reading before you grab the phone and start gabbing. The baby (or babies) will be the long awaited offspring of my dearest friend Rachel. After a heart-wrenching 2008 of disappointment and disillusion, fundraiser after fundraiser, prayer after prayer, the IVF process has yielded that much coveted little red line on the pregnancy test. And there may be more than one in there. Shoot, there may be three!
It is still in the early stages, but they are there. And darn it, nothing can take that moment away from her. So we are hoping with all that we have and praying with all our hearts that God will give her a safe and successful pregnancy and that she will hold her babies in her arms this summer. Then let the fun begin. I think I should send her some under-eye concealer, just to get a head start on those eye bags. :)
Her first ultrasound is very soon, to determine how many little miracles are in there.
In other news, school starts on Monday!! Ian is very excited, though he will miss watching movies every night before bed (this is a weekend/vacation only activity), he misses his friends and teachers more. He misses his circle time, recess and exercising. He has tried to demonstrate the exercises they do in PE, but it involves a lot of flailing and rolling around, so I'm not exactly sure. But I know that Ian loves it.
Erin is battling through another round of cold/sickness. With the breathing difficulties, every cold lasts for weeks. We are finishing up a round of antibiotics for ear infection, but we are still having congestion, runny nose, phlegmy coughing and extreme irritability. Sigh! Daddy is the only one that can make my little niblet smile. I am just there for on-demand holding, feeding and drink stealing.
One thing I'm happy about. As of tomorrow, the world restarts. No more holidays for a while (at least until the 19th), Walmart will be a little less dangerous, and things will start to get back to normal.
My HC asked me about New Year's resolutions. I've never really been one to make those, but when I have, they've seemed kind of generic. And ongoing. And unchanging. Uh...things like 1)getting more sleep (Whaaaaaaa-hahahahahahahaha), 2)shaving more often (Hoho hohohoho hahahahahahahaa), 3)keeping the house a little cleaner (my sides are starting to really hurt), and writing more (I sincerely wish this last one happened more). But a lot of my wishes and intentions (including the amusing ones above) are realistically, well, unrealistic. The most important thing I can do is to take care of my HC and my kids, because this stage in our lives is not going to last forever and I am determined to enjoy every little bit of it. So there. My New Year's resolution is to enjoy every bit of this year. To revel in the good parts and to learn from the bad ones. And to keep the peace, I guess I will try to shave a little more. Or pray for a gift certificate for laser surgery. :D


MrsEvenSo... said...

You made my sides hurt too! :P Interesting isn't it how we tend to choose resolutions that sometimes can't possibly be in our ability to keep? (Did that sentence make any sense?)

Good for you getting the childproof thingy's installed. That will save you quite a bit of cleaning up. It will be really frustrating for Erin for awhile since she's used to getting in those places at will. :D

I would love to see you do the exercises that Ian demonstrates they do at school. :P

T said...

That post was chalked full!

Do keep us posted on Rachael...will be praying for her.

Great New Years resolution! We should all enjoy everything more. But, as your record company exec I am all for the writting of But, I guess when the kids are older and you have a little more time at least you will have plenty of life experience to write from!

Perhaps God will see fit to let you guys come to Florida soon and spend some studio time... I know a pie in the sky dream but there is always hope.