Saturday, November 17, 2007

Look at Me!

One of my three year old's key phrases is "Mommy, look at me!" Usually when I am reading, at the computer, talking to Daddy and not paying attention to him etc. Most of the time I get annoyed, sigh hard enough to make glass quiver and say, "Yes, honey, what do you need?" through gritted teeth (great example, huh?). It is inevitably something simple. Wow, look at my truck, my movie is over, there's a cricket next to my train, my juice is all gone, the baby spit up, the list goes on and on. So I listen, say ok, address the problem if there is one and he happily continues playing. No big deal.
Then the conviction comes. How many things does God have to show me that I am too busy or too preoccupied to see? Ouch! Sometimes there is a "look at me!" moment, but often there is not and whatever part of Him that I could have seen is missed. On the flip side, I never have to screech to God for Him to "look at me." He watches me all the time, sighing at times enough to make the grass tremble, sniggering sometimes at the antics we pull to make the kids laugh (hey, being silly is so much fun to kids, you know we got it from "Dad"), smiling at me with oh so much l0ve. Suddenly,, my son's demand is not so annoying. I need to go and "look" at my son.


MrsEvenSo... said...

I can remember similar times with a little red haired girl long, long ago... :D

Anonymous said...

People should read this.